

2023年2月8日 ディボーション


“Our Father of Unfaithful Children”




 ホセア7章は、ホセア6章に引き続き、痛ましい叫びが記されています。神の苦悩の理由は、エフライムの淫乱にあります(ホセア6:10)。エフライムは一体どのような淫乱の罪を犯していたのでしょうか? 列王記上12章25節~33節は、エフライムの淫行がいかに手に負えないものであったかを明らかにしています。エフライムの王は金の子牛を作っただけでなく、2つの金の子牛と神殿を作り、祭司を任命し、いけにえを捧げました。神は、エフライムが気づいていないような悪行のすべて覚えておられることを明らかにされました(2節)。


 私たちはエフライムより優れているのでしょうか? 私たちは淫行を行い、神以外の物に信頼を置いているのでしょうか? 私たちは金の子牛にひれ伏しているのでしょうか? 私たちは、私たちが養われるために政府に頼りすぎてはいないでしょうか?

 私たちの中には、私たちに雨を与えてくれる神を信頼するよりも、政府の小切手を信頼している人がいるのではないでしょうか? 私たちは、神が私たちを養ってくださることよりも、自分の仕事や事業に頼っているのでしょうか? 私たちの中には、神の御言葉よりも自分の理解を頼りにしている人がいるのでしょうか? 私たちの究極の安心は、神にあるのでしょうか、それともお金にあるのでしょうか?

 堕落した罪人として、私たちは皆、あらゆる種類の罪や偶像礼拝の罪を犯しています。しかし、イスラエルとは異なり、私たちは今、キリストの血によって確立された新しい契約の下に生きています。主はこう宣言されます。「これらの日の後に、わたしがイスラエルの家と結ぶ契約はこうである。──主のことば── わたしは、わたしの律法を彼らの思いの中に置き、彼らの心にこれを書き記す。わたしは彼らの神となり、彼らはわたしの民となる。彼らはもはや、それぞれ仲間に、あるいはそれぞれ兄弟に、『主を知れ』と言って教えることはない。彼らがみな、小さい者から大きい者まで、わたしを知るようになるからだ。わたしが彼らの不義にあわれみをかけ、もはや彼らの罪を思い起こさないからだ。」(ヘブル8:10-12, 新改訳2017)。




 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、父なる神さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

What makes the Bible unique is that although we know it as the Word of God, which it is, God made His living Word available to us through human authors. These human authors were all real people, that lived in real places, and like you and me, dealing with real problems. As He always does, God makes use of the tragedies of His people’s lives for the benefit of His kingdom. Our God is the god who sees and collects all of our tears (Psalm 56:8). God also used a chain of events where although Joseph's brothers tried to kill him, the entire nation was saved as a result. Such is the case of Hosea the prophet. Hosea’s wife, Gomer was an unfaithful prostitute (Hosea 1:2). But despite her unfaithfulness, Hosea took her back (Hosea 3). God used Hosea’s misery of having an unfaithful spouse so Hosea could experience how God feels with unfaithful Israel, who continued to be unfaithful by prostituting herself to false gods (Hosea 2). Hosea 7 continues from Hosea 6 with a painful cry. The reason for God’s agony is because of Ephraim’s whoredom (Hosea 6:10). Exactly what type of whoredom was Ephraim guilty of? 1 Kings 12:25-33 reveals how out of control Ephraim’s whoredom was: Not only did its king make a golden calf, he made two golden calves, temples, appointed priests, and offered sacrifices to them. God reveals that he remembers, although Ephraim may not realize it, He remembers all of Ephraim’s evil deeds (v.2). God wants to redeem Ephraim but they continued to speak lies against Him and turn to alternate places for security (v.13). Ephraim needed help, but instead of turning to God, they turned to Egypt and Assyria to form alliances (v.11). Rebellion against God will result in destruction for Ephraim (v.13).

Are we any better than Ephraim? Do we commit whoredom and place our faith in other securities besides God. Do we have golden calves that we bow down to? Do we rely too much on our government to provide for us? Do some of us trust our government checks more than we trust God to provide us with rain? Do we rely on our jobs and businesses more than we rely on God to provide for us? Do some of us rely on our own understanding more than God’s Word? Is our ultimate security in God or in money? As fallen sinners, we are all guilty of all sorts of sins and idolatry. However, unlike Israel, we now live under a new covenant established by the blood of Christ. “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:10-12 ESV). Because of Christ’s blood that was spilled for our sins, God will remember our sins no more.

Thank You, Father, for today’s word. You, and You alone are God. You know everything that there is nothing we do that You do not know about. You know all of our thoughts and all of our words before they leave our mouths. You also know our deepest and darkest thoughts. You know each and every one of our iniquities. Through today’s Word, we know that you were in agony each time we turned to other sources of security when we should have turned to You. Father, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die for us on the Cross. Thank You for no longer remembering our sins. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.