詩篇第五巻 127篇
“A Life Without God is a Life in Vain”
詩篇127篇は、120篇から134篇までの15篇のうち、「都上りの詩篇」と呼ばれる8篇の中の一つです。先週も触れましたが、"ascents "は文字通り、"高いところへの旅 "という意味です。
天の父よ、今日の御言葉をありがとうございます。私たちを創造してくださってありがとうございます。私たちを支えてくださってありがとうございます。私たちに子どもを授けてくださりありがとうございます。私たちに必要なものをすべて与えてくださりありがとうございます。私たちが永遠にあなたと一緒にいられるように、ひとり子イエスを十字架につけて私たちのために死なせてくださってありがとうございます。主よ、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Psalm 127 is the eighth of 15 Psalms, 120 – 134, that are referred to as Psalms of Ascents. As mentioned last week, “ascents” literally means “A journey to a higher place.” Psalm 127 can be divided into two sections. Verses 1 and 2, in its original Hebrew, begins with the word shawe which translates to “in vain,” three times. The first instance reveals that it is shawe [in vain] if one builds his household or family without Yahweh. The second instance reveals that it is shawe unless Yahweh watches over a city. The third reveals that is shawe if one works all day long without Yahweh. In other words, a life without Yahweh is shawe. A life lived without God is in vain.
Verses 3 to 5 reveals that children are truly a blessing from God. Interestingly, the Psalmist metaphorically refers to a man’s children to arrows in his quiver. Although we can allegorize this verse to our hearts content, the safe way to apply this is to simply say that a man with a lot of children is blessed and better equipped than a man who does not have children. Certainly, children are more precious than extra laborers in the field or pawns in a battle. However, the final words of this Psalm reveals that a man with many children would certainly not be put to shame when confronted by his enemy.
How do we apply this Psalm? It basically teaches us how to live our lives. We need to live our lives by making God the primary focus. We must build our households by relying on God. Unlike the world that places value on self-reliance, we must strive to be dependent on God. We must have faith that God will sustain and grow us. As children of God, we must also have confidence that it is God who protects us. N95 masks, gloves, shields, social distancing would all be in vain without God. We can work from sunrise to sunset. However, all would be in vain without God. It is God that created and sustains us. We need God more than the air that we breathe. All we need is God. And finally, children are true blessings from God.
Thank you, Father in heaven, for today’s Word. Thank you for creating us. Thank you for sustaining us. Thank you for blessing us with children. Thank you for providing for us everything that we need. Thank you for sending your only Son Jesus to die for us on the Cross so we can be with You for all eternity. We love you Lord. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.