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2021年9月16日 ディボーション

詩篇第一巻 15篇

「Entering God’s Presence」



  1. 誰にも非難されない正直な生活をすること

  2. 常に正しいことをすること

  3. 心から真実を語ること

  4. 嘘をつかないこと

  5. 隣人に悪いことをしないこと

  6. 友人に悪いことをしないこと

  7. 悪を憎まなければならないこと

  8. 主を恐れる人々を尊敬すること

  9. 主のように生きること

  10. 無利子でお金を貸すこと

  11. 賄賂を受け取らないこと。











また、私たちのうちに住み、私たちをあなたに似た者へと変えてくださる聖霊様に感謝します。天のお父様、感謝します。In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.


Entering God’s Presence


Psalm 15, another Psalm of David, explains the requirements for Israelites in regards to entering into the presence of the Lord. These 11 requirements focuses primarily on a person’s character. Before entering into the presence of the Lord, a person needs to: 1) Lead an honest life where no one can accuse him of doing wrong, 2) Always do the right thing, 3) Speak the truth from his heart, 4) Do not lie, 5) Does not do evil to neighbors, 6) Do not do evil to friends, 7) Must hate evil, 8) Honors people who fear the Lord, 9) Promises to not change from this godly character, 10) Lends money without interest, 11) Does not take bribes. Although a legalistic person would see this as just 11 requirements to follow, a person who truly takes these words to heart will see that these verses has more to do with one’s character instead of just simple rules. These are not eleven specific rules. These are 11 examples that a person with godly character will have. With godly character, avoiding these sins will come naturally. Our Lord Jesus, however, offers the best application. Just as love covered most of the 10 commandments, love covers these requirements also. By loving first God, and then our neighbors with a godly love, we will fulfill these 11 requirements of Psalm 15.


How do we apply these truths? Many Christians confess their sins to make themselves right before the Lord prior to Communion or Worship. But why do we do this? We often confess our sins on Sunday because we sinned during the other six days of the week. Why is this significant? In the days that King David wrote this Psalm, worshippers of God had to go to the temple in Jerusalem to worship God. Jesus, however, taught us that “. . . the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. . . . God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth” (John 4:21-24). We, Christians have the Spirit of the living God, living in us. All of our bodies serve as God’s temple. Christians are therefore always in the presence of the living God. With this awareness, we need to always be striving to be right with God. God is no more with us in the sanctuary as he is any less when we are alone at home. God is always fully with us. Let us not forget the Holy Spirit that we all have living in us and strive to live blameless lives. When we do inevitably sin, let us also confess our sins to God and ask for his forgiveness. We also thank God for sending his Son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins through His perfect blood. Ultimately, it is only the blood of Jesus that can make us blameless in the presence of God. No human effort can accomplish what Jesus, 100% man and 100% God, did for us. 


Thank you God for Your word! Thank you for teaching us what you require for us to remain in your presence. Thank you for not only teaching us what you require but also the means of achieving it. That requirement, Father, is the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you Father for sending us your Son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. Thank you Father for your Holy Spirit who not only lives within us, but also works in transforming us to be more and more like you. Thank you Father! In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.




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