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2021年12 月16日 ディボーション


詩篇第四巻 106篇 

“God Keeps His Promises”


 一方、詩編106篇では、イスラエルの長い不忠実の歴史が明らかにされています。冒頭で詩人が "ハレルヤ!"と宣言して主を賛美しています。続けて、ヤハウェに感謝を捧げながら、神の数多くの素晴らしいご性質を宣言しています。


 しかしまた、追放された後も、神は捕囚の民を憐れまれました。(45節)民は神との契約を何度も忘れましたが、神は忘れませんでした。神はご自分の約束を忠実に守られたのです(45節)。詩篇の作者は、神に対して、民を回復させ、再び集めてくださいと懇願しているのです。詩編106篇は始まりと同じような形で終わります。「ほむべきかなイスラエルの神」 (48節)。ハレルヤ!です。









 天の父なる神さま。今日の御言葉を感謝します。あなたの変わらぬ愛と誠実さに感謝します。イスラエルの民のように、私たちは罪を犯し、忘れ続けています。しかし、あなたは忠実であり続けてくださいます。父なる神さま、あなたの誠実さを感謝します。ありがとうございます。ありがとうございます。ありがとうございます。あなたが私たちのためにしてくださったこと、そしてこれからもしてくださることを忘れることなく、忠実であり続けることができるように助けてください。イエスさま、ありがとうございます。罪、罰、贖い、そして罪という絶え間ない循環に終止符を打ってくださりありがとうございます。あなたは私たちの罪のために究極の代価を支払い、私たち全員が受けるべき罰をご自分の身に受けてくださいました。今、私たちがあなたを愛することによって、あなたに忠実で従順であることができるように助けてください。また、私たちが互いに愛し合うことができるように助けてください。ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Psalm 105 revealed how Yahweh remains faithful to His covenant with Israel. Psalm 106, on the other hand, reveals Israel’s long history of unfaithfulness. Psalm 106 opens up with the psalmist praising the Lord declaring “Hallelujah!” He continues by giving thanks to Yahweh while declaring God’s many wonderful attributes. The psalmist reveals that “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times” (vv. 3). In verses 4 and 5, the psalmist asks God to remember His covenant with His people. Verses 6 and 7 confesses how God’s people in both the past and present have sinned. Verses 8 through 11 reveals how God, despite the sins of His people, showed them grace and continued to deliver them and keep His promises. Verses 12 through 13 reveals how God’s people believed and sang praises to Him at in the beginning but soon forgot and returned to their wicked ways. Verses 14 through 43 reveals a long cycle of the people’s sin, people suffering the consequences of their sin, God’s judgement and redemption, and the people’s sin again. “Many times He delivered them, but they were rebellious in their purposes and were brought low through their iniquity” (vv. 43). But again, even after being sent into exile, God caused His people’s captors to pity them (vv. 45). Although the people repeatedly forgot their covenant to God, God did not forget. God faithfully kept His side of His promise (VV. 45). The psalmist continues with a plea to God to restore His people and gather them together again. Psalm 106 ends in a similar way that it began: “Praise the Lord” (vv.48). Hallelujah! 


Psalm 106 carries a very familiar theme that flows throughout all of Scripture. It reveals the heart of the Gospel: That although we are all still sinners, God continues to love us and bless us with His saving grace. Psalm 105 reminded us that God “. . . remembers His covenant forever” (Psalm 105:8). Many of us read about the history of Israel in the Bible and amaze on how unfaithful the Israelites were. We are even more amazed on how faithful God continues to be despite the unfaithfulness of His people. People sin, they suffer God’s wrath, God forgives them, they remember God for a little bit, then they return to their sin. This seems to be the endless cycle throughout the Old Testament. While reading these stories, we cannot help but realize that this is also our story. We sin and suffer the consequences, then God saves us. Many of us get very excited during when God delivers us from something and praise Him. However, we also have a tendency to soon forget and go back to our old sinful ways. We continue to sin against God by not loving our brothers and sisters in Christ even though Christ commands us to love them (John 13:34). Some of us get irritated or angry with God’s people. We gossip about others. We see the speck of dust in our brother’s and sister’s eyes but fail to see the huge log in our own eyes. We fail to forgive the sins of our brothers and sisters and hold on to grudges from the past as we ourselves sin. We form factions among ourselves. Some of us believe that we are more important in the body than one of our other brothers or sisters. We fail to see that all of these sins break God’s heart and it saddens Him deeply. Let us all turn from our old ways and remember God’s love for us again this Christmas season. Let us remember that “for God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). 


Thank You, heavenly Father, for your Word today. Thank You for Your continued love and faithfulness. Just like the Israelites, we continue to sin and forget. You, however, continue to be faithful! Thank You Father for Your continued faithfulness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please help us to remain faithful and not forget all that You have done and continue to do for us. Thank you Jesus! Thank You for bringing this constant circle of sin, punishment, redemption, and sin to an end. You paid the ultimate price for our sin and took upon Yourself the punishment that we all deserved. Help us now to be faithful and obedient to you by loving You. Help us to also love each other. Thank you! We love You! In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.




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