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2022年10月6日 ディボーション


“God’s Truth vs. Man’s Culture”




 最近の研究では、パウロでさえも、現在私たちが "キリスト教 "と呼んでいるものに改宗していなかった可能性があることが明らかになっています。パウロはダマスコへの道で救われましたが、同時に、ユダヤ人であることもやめませんでした。














 父なる神さま、どうか私たちが御言葉に忠実で、御心に従った人生を送ることができるようにしてください。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


 For the majority of Acts 15, Luke summarizes the major points of what is known as the Jerusalem Council. For a while now, the narratives of Acts describe how Christianity spread rapidly throughout the land. Paul, once an opponent of the Gospel, is now recognized as one of its greatest pioneering missionaries after completing his first missionary journey. What must noted here is that Christianity at that time was not recognized by many as a new faith. Christianity was viewed as a Jewish cult by some and by others, the same religion that they always believed in with the exception of its Messianic prophecies now being fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Therefore, recent scholarship now reveals that even Paul may not have been converted to what we now call “Christian.” Paul was saved on the road to Damascus, but at the same time, he never stopped being a Jew. Evidence of Paul’s “Jewishness” is found in Acts 26:4-8 where Paul reveals that he remained to keep Jewish customs and still refers to the 12 Tribes as “Our fathers” (Acts 26:6). This may have been the same case for many Jewish Christians. Because of this, there was a lot of confusion on how to accept Gentile Christian converts. In the past, non-Jewish people who wanted to convert to Judaism were required to go through a conversion process in order to become a Jew. Exodus 12:48 reveals that this process required all males to become circumcised. However, Paul and Peter witnessed the Holy Spirit indwelling uncircumcised Gentiles and testified to the fact that salvation is by the grace of God by belief in Jesus Christ, not works. Many Jews, on the other hand, refused to accept this spread a false requirement of circumcision to the Gentile Christians. This became a big problem. The Jerusalem Council was held to settle this dispute once and for all. Although there is no record of exactly how many people were present and the exact method of making the ultimate decision, we read that the council affirmed salvation is indeed by grace of the Lord Jesus and not works. Although they also decided to require Gentiles to follow some cultural rules, let us be clear that keeping these rules were not conditions for salvation. Salvation is by grace through Jesus Christ only.


 Just like the Jewish Christians in the first century, many of us also confuse our cultural values with our Christian ones. Although we are all Christians, we never cease to also be Japanese, American, or something else. Cultural beliefs and practices that we value are often confused with our Christian ones. For example, many American Christians believe that the 2nd Amendment right to own a gun is part of being a Christian. Likewise, many Japanese Christians do not share the Gospel with others because they want to maintain harmony with their neighbors and not be the nail that sticks out. Many Japanese do not ask for help or share their pain because of haji. Let us not forget that the Word of God teaches us to share our burdens (Galatians 6:2). It is not God’s will for us to suffer all alone. Of the flip side, many Japanese Christians continue to do cultural things that are harmful. These would include participating in religious rites and activities at Shinto Shrines or offering incense to the Buddha at Temples. Many Christians also create extra rules that may confuse fellow Christians. Some say you must only listen to Christian music and never drink beer. Let’s not mix our cultural values with our Christianity. When we placed our faith in Jesus, God granted us citizenship to heaven (Philippians 3:20). We are no longer to think of things on earthly terms but set our sights on heaven.


  Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are the Creator of the Universe, God Almighty, and our Father. You, and You alone, are worthy of our praise. Although the world holds on to many beliefs, Your Word alone will last forever. Thank you for teaching us it is Your Word that we must follow. Thank You for showing us that we must be obedient to Your Word, not the empty culture of the world. Thank You for Salvation through Your Son Jesus Christ that is given to us through Your Grace, and not by any human effort or works. Father, please help us live a life that is true to Your Word and obedient to Your will. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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