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2023年7月5日 創世記 49章

『Choose Wisely』






 しかし現在、残念ながらアメリカは岐路に立たされている。この世代は、リバイバルを見るか、アメリカの没落を見るかのどちらかだと多くの人が言う。クリスチャンであると自称する多くの人々は、米国が築かれた聖書的価値観を守り戦う指導者を選ばず、生まれてもいない人間の殺害やその他の非聖書的原則を支持する指導者を選んでいる。イスラエルと同じように、アメリカの半分は「それぞれが自分の目に良いと見えることを行っていた」(士師記21:25, 新改訳2017)、という状態にある。

 アメリカの半数、あるいはそれ以上が神に背を向けている。私たちの子供たちは選択を迫られている。アメリカは抑圧の悪の国だと教える悪を受け入れるかどうか。紙幣から "In God We Trust "を取り除こうとする悪を受け入れることもできる。

 あるいは、こう宣言する神に従うこともできる。「わたしの名で呼ばれているわたしの民が、自らへりくだり、祈りをささげ、わたしの顔を慕い求めてその悪の道から立ち返るなら、わたしは親しく天から聞いて、彼らの罪を赦し、彼らの地を癒やす」(第二歴代誌7:14, 新改訳2017)。


 あなたは宇宙とそこにあるすべてのものの創造主です。ですから、すべては主のものです。父なる神さま、7月4日を、アメリカが建国された時の真理をすべての人に思い出させる日とさせてください。アメリカは "神の下に一つの国 "であり、永遠にそうあり続けます。

 父なる神さま、アメリカにリバイバルが起こるようにお願いします! 父なる神さま、どうかあなたの聖霊がアメリカのすべての人々を満たし、彼らがへりくだり、邪悪な道から立ち返ることができるようにしてください。



 In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!!!

What can we learn from Genesis 49? This chapter narrates Jacob’s, Israel’s, final blessings to his sons before his death. In this process, Israel assessed the strengths and weaknesses of his sons. Reuben was his firstborn, preeminent in dignity and power, but defiled his father’s bed (v.3-4). Simeon and Levi were violent and killed people in anger (v.5-7). Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin were also assessed and blessed by Israel (v.13-27). But Judah, the lion, was chosen to rule over the rest of the brothers (v.8-12). From what we can see, Israel assessed his sons and personally chose who would eventually be the royal line. The lives that all the brothers lived all led to how Israel blessed his sons. As most of us know, Judah’s royal line led to King David, Solomon, and eventually our Lord Jesus Christ. We must also see, however, that sin always finds a way to creep in. Although Israel quickly became a great nation, their turning away from God eventually led to her downfall.

Yesterday was the Fourth of July in America. Although not everyone agrees that America was created as a Christian nation, it is beyond dispute that America was formed on biblical principles. Much of American’s founders and writers of her founding documents had seminary degrees. Much of America’s founding documents are also filled with biblical principles. On July 4th, 1776, the United States of America was born and gave the world a new hope through a government for the people by the people. America went through many struggles, but the biblical principles that she was built on eventually led to the abolishment of slavery, women’s rights, and the opportunity for all to pursue the American Dream. This was possible because the people continued to faithfully choose the right people to lead them.

Unfortunately, America is now at a crossroads. Many say that this is the generation that will either see a revival or the fall of America. Many people who claim to be Christians do not select leaders who protect and fight for the biblical values that the United States was built on, but select leaders that support the murder of unborn human beings and other unbiblical principles. Just like Israel, half of America “did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). Half of America, or more, have turned away from God. Our children have a choice to make. They can choose to embrace the evil that teaches them that America is an evil nation of oppression. They can choose to embrace the evil that wants to remove “In God We Trust” from our money. Or they can obey God who declares: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. Thank You, for being the God of Abraham, Jacob, Israel, United States of America, Japan, and the whole universe. You are the creator of the Universe and everything in it. Therefore, everything belongs to You, Lord. Father, let the 4th of July be a reminder to all of the truths that America as founded on. America is and forever will be “One Nation Under God.” Father, we ask for a revival to happen in America! Father, please have Your Holy Spirit fill all of America’s people so they can humble themselves and turn away from their wicked ways. Father, please hear our voices from heaven and forgive us of our sin and heal our land. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




2023年12月31日 申命記15章

「与えるとき物惜しみをしてはならない。このことのゆえに、あなたの神、主は、あなたのすべての働きと手のわざを祝福してくださるからである。」15:10(一部抜粋) 15章は、七年の終わりごとに負債の免除をしなければならないことについての規定が述べられている。その時に、物惜しみを...

2023年12月30日 申命記14章

この章では、食べ物の規定が書かれており興味深いと思った。申命記はイエス様が、人としてこの世に来て下さる前のことだと、心に留めておかなければならないと思う。 聖書に書かれている食べ物分類は神様からの当時の命令で、これを命じる理由が、自分の愛する子どもたち、イスラエルの民を守る...

2023年12月29日 申命記13章



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