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2023年7月26日 ヤコブの手紙3章


『Taming the Tongue』




 私たちはこのことをどう考えればいいのだろうか。 ヤコブは、どんな人間でも舌を制御することはできないが、これは本来のあるべき姿ではない(8、10節)と語る。  クリスチャンとして、私たちは祈りと礼拝の中で主を賛美する。主を賛美する歌を歌い、地上の平和を祈る。しかし、車を運転したり、テレビのニュースを見たりするとき、私たちは同じ舌を使って人を呪うことがある。



 私たちの心は、主への賛美と感謝に満ちているだろうか? もしそうなら、私たちの口から出てくるものはすべて、神と他者に対する賛美になるはずだ。正直なところ、私は毎日主への賛美を歌ってはいるが、私の心は賛美に満ちているだけでなく、神に対しても他のクリスチャンに対しても不平不満で一杯な事がある。このようであってはならないことは分かっているが、事実なのだ。









 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!!!

James 3 begins by declaring that not everyone should become teachers because those that teach others will be judged by God to a higher standard (v.1). The reason, James explains, is that everyone messes up in many ways (v.2). If a person does not mess up, he is a perfect person that can also control his whole body (v.2). This is where James gives an analogy between a boat’s rudder and a person’s tongue (v.4-5). Both the rudder and the tongue are small in comparison to what they control. However, the point is that these little things can control the larger objects that they are attached to. James then elaborates on the great destructive power of this little tongue. People have learned throughout time to control every kind of beast and creature, however, no human being can tame the tongue (v.7-8). The tongue, is a restless evil full of deadly poison (v.8). In other words, the tongue cannot sit and rest, but by nature, has a tendency to spit out poison. The same tongue that blesses Jesus and the Father also curses people who were created in the likeness of God (v.9). But James declares that this is not how it must be because all other things in nature is not that way (v.10-12).

What are we to make of this? James declares that no human can tame the tongue but this is not how it should be (v.8, 10). As Christians, we praise the Lord in prayer and worship. We sing songs of praise to our Lord and pray for peace on earth. But we also use that same tongue to curse people when we drive or watch news on TV. We can think of many ways what this happens. As a scholar, I could create many theologies on why this happens and blame it on something or someone else. But the reality of the situation is that this tongue of ours is part of our bodies. What comes out of our mouths are the thoughts that are already in us. Our tongues are restless because it wants to verbalize what is already in our minds. Therefore, the root problem behind our nasty tongues are our hearts. Are our hearts full of praise and thanksgiving to our Lord? If this was the case, everything that comes out of our mouths would be praise towards God and others. In all honesty, although I sing praises to our Lord daily, my heart is not only full of praise but also full of complaints towards both God and other Christians. I know it should not be this way but it is true. The church is truly a blessing to me and it brings me great joy. The church can also be a very cruel place where people hurt each other. Although I have no answer on how to cure this situation, I believe that we can start by truly loving God and loving each other and the Lord commands us to. The Word of God command us to love God and our neighbors. It also commands us to love one another. Furthermore, the should never operate as a cold lifeless institution with expandable members. The Church is the living, breathing, body of Christ. As the living, breathing, body of Christ, we only bring harm to ourselves when we treat others in a lower standard than we treat ourselves. This, too, is not how it ought to be. Let’s start by loving each other to the same standards that we love ourselves. Maybe then, our tongues will utter more blessings.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. Thank You, for showing us that we are indeed big hypocrites. Father, we praise Your name every time we worship You. Yet, with our same tongues, we gossip and complain about our brothers and sisters. But even worse, the deeper problem behind our gossip and complaints is our lack of love. Father, help us to love one anther more. Please help us to love others like You loved us. Please show us how we can love one another through our actions; not just empty words. Father, help us to feel the suffering of our neighbors so we can help those in need. Father, help us to live out the reality of Your Church as the body of Christ, and not a cold lifeless institution. Father, give us the courage to be a church that will no longer be complacent towards poisonous tongues and lack of love. Father, help us to love others like You love us! Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen!!!




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