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2023年7月19日 へブル人への手紙 9章


『New Covenant Worship』






 最初の聖句は、「最初の契約にも礼拝の規定があり、地上の聖なる場所があった」(1節)と宣言しています。 この聖句は、新約の下にある今も、礼拝の規定と地上の聖なる場所があることを明らかにしています。地上の聖なる場所とは、聖霊が私たちの内におられますから、すべてのクリスチャンの心であることがわかります。


「イエスはこう言われた。『 女の人よ、わたしを信じなさい。この山でもなく、エルサレムでもないところで、あなたがたが父を礼拝する時が来ます。救いはユダヤ人から出るのですから、わたしたちは知って礼拝していますが、あなたがたは知らないで礼拝しています。しかし、まことの礼拝者たちが、御霊と真理によって父を礼拝する時が来ます。今がその時です。父はそのような人たちを、ご自分を礼拝する者として求めておられるのです。神は霊ですから、神を礼拝する人は、御霊と真理によって礼拝しなければなりません。』」( 新改訳2017)

 では、御霊と真理による礼拝とはどういうことでしょうか? 御霊によって礼拝するためには、私たちの内に神の御霊がおられることが必要です。したがって、キリストの血潮によって清められたクリスチャンだけが、真に礼拝することができるのです。




 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen!!!

Hebrews 9 reveals some of the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Verses 1 through 10 discusses the great care involved in Old Testament worship. During the first covenant, the high priest entered the holy of holies only once a year (v.7). Before entering, he purified himself with the blood of goats and calves (v.7,13). This cleansing process of spilling the blood of unblemished animals temporarily covered the unintentional sins of both the high priest and the worshippers (v.8). Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension accomplished this task once and for all. The blood of animals lasted one year. However, the perfect blood of Christ paid the price of our sins for all eternity (v.12). The earthly high priest was able to to enter the holy of holies of an earthly temple once a year. It must be mentioned that the holy of holies did contain the Shekinah, or presence of God, from the days of Moses until the first temple was destroyed. However, in the days of Jesus, the temple’s holy of holies no longer contained God’s presence but was an empty shell. Jesus, however, entered the true holy of holies forever. After cleansing Himself with His own perfect blood, Jesus ascended to heaven to be on the right hand side of God (v.24). Jesus did not enter into a temple built by human hands but entered into heaven to be with God the Father forever. His death on the Cross paid the price of our sins forever (v.27). And one day, He will return again (v.28).

The first verse declares that “even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness” (v.1). This verse reveals that even now, under the New Covenant, we have regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness. Regarding the earthly holy of holies, we know that this is the hearts of all Christians as the Holy Spirit dwells in us collectively. Jesus revealed this truth to the Samaritan woman in John 4:21-24. This verse also reveals our regulations for worship. This is what Jesus said: “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:21-24 ESV). So what does it mean to worship in Spirit and truth? Stay tuned. I will be focusing more and more on the subject of worship from now on as worship is the focus of my studies. But let me give you a preview. Worshipping is Spirit and truth means that not all worship is acceptable. There are criterion that must be met in order to worship in Spirit and in truth. To worship in Spirit, we must have the Spirit of God in us. Therefore, only Christians, washed by the blood of Christ can truly worship. Secondly, to be truth, worship must be biblical.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to pay the ultimate price for all of our sins. We know that through His blood, our relationship with You is not reconciled once and for all. But You did this for a reason. We know that reason You did this is because You wanted to be with us. And we know that when You are with us, the only appropriate response is worship. Father, help us to worship You in Spirit and truth. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen!!!




2023年12月31日 申命記15章

「与えるとき物惜しみをしてはならない。このことのゆえに、あなたの神、主は、あなたのすべての働きと手のわざを祝福してくださるからである。」15:10(一部抜粋) 15章は、七年の終わりごとに負債の免除をしなければならないことについての規定が述べられている。その時に、物惜しみを...

2023年12月30日 申命記14章

この章では、食べ物の規定が書かれており興味深いと思った。申命記はイエス様が、人としてこの世に来て下さる前のことだと、心に留めておかなければならないと思う。 聖書に書かれている食べ物分類は神様からの当時の命令で、これを命じる理由が、自分の愛する子どもたち、イスラエルの民を守る...

2023年12月29日 申命記13章



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