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2023年5月3日 テサロニケ人への手紙第一 4章



“Growing in Christ”










 父なる神さま、今日の御言葉をありがとうございます! あなたは宇宙とその中のすべてのものの創造主です。また、私たち一人一人を愛情をもって創造してくださいました。



 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、お父さん。In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!!!

Paul’s letter to the Church in Thessalonica is a very powerful one. The first half talks about the process of sanctification (v4). When we first placed our faith in Jesus, something wonderful happened. Our sinful status was wiped clean. The blood of Jesus wiped our sins away and in the presence of God, we are now declared righteous because of Jesus’ righteousness. Something else happened: The Holy Spirit began to dwell in us the moment we believed. As soon as the Holy Spirit took residence in us, a process known as regeneration happened. In regeneration, a large part of us that was subject to the Fall became restored. Through regeneration, we are now able to understand many of the things in Scripture that used to be folly to us. But what verse 4 talks about is the process of sanctification. Sanctification takes a lifetime and will never be complete until we meet our Lord in heaven. Sanctification is the process in which the Holy Spirit works in us to make us more and more like Jesus. As we go through life, God’s Spirit, Who is in us, will constantly guide us and be our counselor to advise us on what to do. However, we have another voice inside of us; the voice of our flesh. We were all born in the flesh and inherited the fallen nature that our ancestors passed on to us, even Christians. For most of us, the world and its systems form our way of thinking and looking at things. It is our cultures and traditions that our parents and other people of influence that formed our beliefs in morals. A constant battle between the Holy Spirit and our flesh never ends until we go to heaven. If we choose to follow the will of the Holy Spirit, sanctification happens, and we become more and more like Jesus. If we choose to follow our flesh, we disobey God (v8) and do not grow. To be clear, we do not lose our salvation if we are already saved. However, refusing to grow in Christ will keep us as spiritual babies. Christians who remain as spiritual babies miss out on full lives with Christ.

How do we avoid remaining as spiritual babies? We need to participate in activities that are conducive to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. To be clear: we cannot sanctify ourselves. Sanctification is 100% the work of the Holy Spirit. However, there are things that we can do to make His work more effective. The most effective activity conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit is to spend time with God by reading and meditating on His Word. Spending time with other Christians also works because Christians grow together as a body. (There is no such thing as lone Christians.) Christians grow spiritually when they 1) study the Word, 2) have meals, and 3) worship together. Yes, the Holy Spirit works in us when we sing praises to our Lord together. Therefore, if you can spend time with other Christians, you should. Covid 19 made Christians lazy. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to make a habit of neglecting to meet one another. If you can meet with other Christians, you should. If you really cannot, you should make every effort to connect with other Christians by phone call our Zoom meetings. Although phone calls and Zoom meetings are less enjoyable than in-person meetings, we can still grow together because one Spirit still unites us. Christians must interact with each other. Watching the live stream of a Sunday service on YouTube or Facebook is not enough. We must interact with others, in-person or online, to grow. And if you already are, the Bible says to do it more (v10)!!!

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word! You are the Creator of the universe and everything in it. You also lovingly created each and every one of us. Thank You, Father, for blessing us with our lives. Thank You for Your work in sanctification that continues in each and every one of us. Father, please help us, and give us the strength to fight against our flesh. Please help us listen to Your Spirit so we can become more and more like You. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen!




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