“Qualifications for Church Leaders”
1) 非の打ち所がないこと(2節)。もしこれを額面通りに受け取るなら、誰もその資格はありません。非難されないということは、他人から批判を浴びないということと同じです。しかし、この堕落した世界では、誰もが批判を浴びることになるのです。この最初の資格は、ほとんどの人にとってつまずきとなるものです。そこで、パウロは「非難されることのない人」の定義を満たす基準を挙げています。
2) 一人の妻の夫(2節、12節)。監督者は、一人の妻を持つ男性です。しかし、ローマ16章1節、2節には、フィベという女性が執事を務めたことが記されているので、神はこのルールに例外を設けておられるのだと私は思います。神は、女性を教会の指導者として召されることがあります。
3) 酒におぼれず(2、3、8節)。これはクリスチャンが酒を飲んではいけないということではありません。イエスの最初の奇跡は、結婚式で水をぶどう酒に変えたことでした(ヨハネ2:1-11)。明らかに、イエスは人々が楽しむためにぶどう酒を造ったのです。パウロもテモテに対して、健康のためには水だけを飲むのではなく、少しワインを加えるように指示しています(1テモテ5:23)。
4) 暴力的でなく、穏やかである(3節)。これはまた、難しいことです。思い起こせば、ペテロは剣を携えていました。彼は剣を抜き、その剣でローマ兵の耳を切り落としました(マタイ26:47-56)。
5) 自制心(2節)。 誰でも、時には怒ったり、過度に感情的になったりすることがあります。怒ることは罪ではありません。しかし、怒りの感情を爆発させることは、悪魔の道具となります(エペソ4:26-27)。
6) 争わない(3節)。しかし、争いを避けることはできません。教会のように、異なる背景を持つ人たちが集まれば、必ず意見の相違が生じます。教会のリーダーは、他の人と一緒に物事を進めることができ、トラブルを探さないようにしなければなりません。
7) 教えられる(2節)。耳を閉ざした教会指導者は、決して指導者であってはなりません。多くの文化では、知恵は年齢とともに得られると考えられています。聖書もそう言っています(ヨブ記12:12)。
8) 二枚舌でない(8節)。前述したように、クリスチャンは愛をもって真理を語ります(1コリント13:6)。教会の指導者は二枚舌であってはなりません。もし、ある人の前では良いことを言いながら、陰でその人を批判する習慣があるのなら、その人は教会指導者になる資格はないでしょう。
9) お金を愛さず、不正な利益に貪欲でない(3節、8節)。人は生きていくためにお金が必要です。実際、1テモテ5章18節で、パウロはテモテにこう言っています。「労働者は自分の賃金に値する」(1テモテ5:18)。
10) 家庭を管理する能力があること(4節、12節)。信者の第一の責任は家庭です。夫は家庭を守ることができなければなりません。キリストが教会を愛したように、妻を愛することができなければなりません(エペソ5:33)。
12) キリスト・イエスへの信仰の確信(13節)。クリスチャン・リーダーは、信仰によって導かれます。クリスチャン・リーダーは、世に出て行って弟子を作るようにと召されたキリストへの信仰によって導かれています。信仰深いリーダーは、この使命を遂行するために必要なすべての資源を主が与えてくださると知っています。神の国をまず求めなさい。そうすれば、その任務を遂行するために必要なお金や資源は、主が与えてくださいます(マタイ6:33)。
御国と力と栄光は、永遠にあなたのものだからです!父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、お父さま。In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen!
1 Timothy 3 is part of what is known as the “Pastoral Epistles” and is comprised of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. In the Pastoral Epistles, Paul writes specific instructions to those serving in pastoral and other positions of influence over other believers. In 1 Timothy 3, Paul lists several qualifications that must be met before a believer can serve in a leadership role. Today, these include elders, deacons, pastors, and ministry leaders who watch over other believers. Paul reveals that those seeking these positions desire a noble task; therefore, not anyone can fill these roles (v1). Here are some of the biblically mandated requirements:
1) Must be above reproach (v2) - If we take this at face value, which we should, nobody qualifies. Being beyond reproach equates to not drawing any criticism from others. But let’s face it, in this fallen world, everyone draws criticism. This first qualification is a stumbling block for most people, as I believe no one is truly beyond reproach according to our own standards. Therefore, Paul listed criteria that fulfill his definition of being beyond reproach.
2) The husband of one wife (v2, 12) – Overseers are men with one wife. Women, single men, divorcees, remarried men, and men with more than one wife do not qualify. Some people today will disagree with this qualification, but it is the Word of God. However, I believe that God does make exceptions to this rule because Romans 16:1-2 reveals that a woman named Phoebe did serve as a deacon. Although not the norm, God does sometimes call women to lead the church when no willing or qualifying men are available.
3) Sober-minded and not addicted to much wine (v2, 3, 8) – This does not say that Christians must not drink alcohol. After all, Jesus’ first recorded miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding (John 2:1-11). Obviously, Jesus made the wine for people to enjoy. Apparently, for health benefits, Paul also instructed Timothy not to drink only water but to add a little wine (1 Timothy 5:23). Paul is saying here not to be a drunkard and alcoholic. But overseers must also use good judgment whenever they drink alcohol and maintain their composure. Christians do not make it a habit to walk around drunk.
4) Not violent but gentle (v3) – This, again, is a tough one. If we recall, Peter carried a sword. He carried a sword and used it to cut the ear off a Roman soldier (Matthew 26:47-56). I believe Paul is saying here that a person must be Christlike. They must be gentle, meek, and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29, 2 Corinthians 10:1).
5) Self-controlled (v2) – Let’s face it. Everyone can become angry or overly emotional at times. Becoming angry is not a sin. However, letting your anger churn inside of you into rage becomes a tool of the devil (Ephesians 4:26-27). Church leaders must be able to understand and manage their anger. They must be able to make important decisions only when they have cool heads. This also includes being able to discern when they need to take a pause to cool down.
6) Not quarrelsome (v3) – Conflict cannot be avoided. Disagreements will happen whenever a group of different people from different backgrounds comes together, such as in the church. Church leaders must be able to work things with others and not look for trouble. However, we must not mistake this for ignoring problems. Church leaders must be able to work out problems in love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). This includes speaking the truth in love (1 Corinthians 13:6), no matter how painful or difficult it may be. Church leaders must not sweep problems under the rug and hope that they will disappear because they won’t.
7) Teachable (v2) – Church leaders with closed ears should never be leaders. Many cultures believe that wisdom comes with age. The Bible says this, too (Job 12:12). However, Jesus, quoting the Prophet Jeremiah, also called people who closed their eyes and ears foolish (Matthew 13:14-15). Wise people keep their eyes and ears open because there is always something new to learn. Learning is a life-long process and never ends.
8) Not double-tongued (v8) – As mentioned earlier, Christians speak the truth in love (1 Corinthians 13:6). Church leaders must not be two-faced. If a person has the habit of saying nice things in front of a person but criticizes him behind his back, he does not qualify to be a church leader. If leaders say one thing between themselves and say something else outside their meetings, they do not qualify to be leaders. The truth must be spoken. All things must come into the light (John 3:21). Japanese must be careful because the cultural tradition of “tatemae” and “hon ne” can, in many ways, be double-tongued.
9) Not a lover of money and greedy for dishonest gain (v 3, 8) – People need money to survive. In fact, two chapters after this, in 1 Timothy 5:18, Paul tells Timothy: “The laborer deserves his wages” (1 Timothy 5:18). In this verse, Paul is revealing to Timothy that church leaders, especially those in preaching and teaching, deserve double honor and should be paid (1 Timothy 5:17). However, those people must not be greedy and lovers of money. How these people use their money may indicate whether they love money or are greedy. Money must be used for building God’s Kingdom. But they must keep in mind that the church is people, not buildings.
10) Must be able to manage his household (v4, 12) – A believer’s primary responsibility is his home. A husband must be able to keep his family together. He must be able to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:33). He must also be able to raise his children in the Lord in a way that does not provoke them to anger (Ephesians 6:1-4). In other words, church leaders must be able to maintain their families well. They must be able to manage disputes in their families in a Christlike manner. If he cannot manage his own home, believing that he can manage God’s family is foolish.
11) Must not be a recent convert (v6) – Not only must Church leaders be believers, but Church leaders must also be mature Christians. When sinners first place their faith in Christ, they become spiritual babies. Spiritual babies cannot lead the church. To grow, Christians must spend time with God by studying his Word, praying, worshiping, and spending time with other Christians. There is no shortcut for this, and it takes time. As Christians spend time doing these activities, the Holy Spirit transforms them to be more and more like Jesus. As we become more and more like Jesus, we begin to love each other as He loves us. We begin to prioritize matters as He does. We begin to see the world as He does. We begin to operate in the world as He would. Christians walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Paul also warns that recent converts may become conceited. Christian leaders do not serve as leaders because of their own worthiness or accolades. Christian leaders know that they were given the task of a leader because only God is worthy. Christian leaders, like Jesus, are servant leaders. Christian leaders do not lord over or govern the people they oversee. Christian leaders wash the feet of those whom they minister to.
12) Great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus (v13) – This ties in with not being a recent convert. Christian leaders lead by faith. Christian leaders are led by faith in Christ, Who called them to go out into the world and make disciples. Faithful leaders know that the Lord will provide all resources necessary to carry out this mission. Seek first the kingdom of God, and He will provide the money and resources necessary to carry out that task (Matthew 6:33).
What I want to comment on here is that although Paul distinguishes between overseers and deacons, the modern-day church somehow seems to blend these roles. The early church had a hierarchy in its leadership. On the top level were overseers, and deacons worked below them. Today, many congregational churches have deacon boards that oversee local churches. In recent years, the United States and Japan have seen a dramatic drop in both the number of local churches and individual believers. On this topic, one of the most respected experts in church leadership, Aubrey Malphurs explains: “It’s my view that the decline of the church in the West is due in part to boards that consist of well-meaning laypeople who don’t understand or know how to lead churches.” Many local churches recruit business leaders who are experts in running successful businesses. But the church is not a business, it is the living, breathing body of Christ. The church is not a business! Businesses measure success by maximizing profits. The church is not a business! Many churches similarly measure success by their amount of Sunday attendees, the number of buildings that they own, and money in the bank. But the church is not a business! God does not care about these things. The early church did not meet in cathedrals; they met wherever they could, whether it was in each other’s homes, open fields, or even caves. Wherever believers gathered was the church. They also did not build up their bank accounts, they used their money on all who had needs (Acts 2:45). Most importantly, they had a philosophy that focused not on themselves but the Great Commission. The priority was on growing God’s kingdom, not creating a utopia to be comfortable in. Mature Christians know that this means leaving behind 99 saved sheep to find the lost, one person at a time (Matthew 18:10-14). Mature church leaders know that they must devote their resources to finding these lost sheep. A better way of measuring success may be the number of baptisms that a local church conducts. However, we must also be humble to know that it is not our efforts that bring people to church, but God who adds to our number (Acts 2:47). Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and only He can add to the church. History has shown that churches that fail to see this die. All the church can do is follow God’s will, and He will do the rest. But to know God’s will, church leaders must be dedicated to studying His word, prayer, fellowship with one another, and worship.
Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You, and You alone, are the source of all truth. You, and You alone, are righteous. Although none of us are worthy by our own accord, only Your death on the Cross makes us worthy because You alone are worthy. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:9-13). For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever! Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen!