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2023年4月19日 ゼカリヤ書8章

“Speak the Truth to One Another in Love”





「これがあなたがたのなすべきことだ。あなたがたはそれぞれ隣人に対して真実を語り、真実と平和をもたらす公正さをもって、あなたがたの門の中でさばきを行え。互いに心の中で悪を謀るな。偽りの誓いを愛するな。これらはみな、わたしが憎むものだからだ。 ──主のことば」(ゼカリヤ書 8:16-17,新改訳2017)。

 この聖句は、人によって様々な意味を持つ可能性があります。大切なのは、人それぞれの真理の定義にあります。最近では、クリスチャンでさえも、多くの人が、自分なりの "真理" を持つことができると考えるようになっています。

 多くの人が "my truth "という言葉を使っています。もちろん、常識的に考えて、二人の人間が同じ生き物を見て、一人は犬に見えるが、もう一人は猫に見えるとしたら、そのどちらかが真実だということになります。たとえ犬が猫のように見えたとしても、それは犬であり、猫ではないのです。真理という概念も同様です。真理を、意見や仮説、独自の視点と取り違えてはなりません。神の御言葉、それが真理なのです。




 クリスチャンが他のクリスチャンと対立するとき、私たちは冷静に物事を話し合わなければなりません。多くの日本人は、"ホンネ "と "タテマエ "という文化的価値観のために、このことを苦手としています。

 はっきり言って、"建前 "を使うということは、本音を言っていない可能性が高いです。多くの日本人は、自分を怒らせた相手と離れ、関係を断つことで問題を解決しようとします。私は、これは聖書的な対立の解決方法ではないと思います。



 一人が教会の交わりから離れると、体全体が痛みます。迷子の羊についてのイエスのたとえ話を覚えていますか? その一匹の迷子の羊が見つかると、天において大きな喜びがあります。お互いの対立を解決できずに、一匹の羊が去っていくときの神の気持ちを想像できるでしょうか? 私たちは、愛をもって冷静に真実を語り合うことで、問題を解決していかなければなりません。



 お父さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、お父さま。In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen!

In Zechariah 8, the prophet Zechariah continues to hear and declare the Word of the Lord (v.1). In the verses that follow, Zechariah continues to give his vision of a restored Jerusalem where God will no longer deal with His people in the same manner that He did in the past (v.11). Scholars are divided as to when this restored Jerusalem occurred or will occur. I personally take the futurist view because although Jerusalem has been resettled by Jews, Jerusalem has yet to experience people from all over traveling there to seek the Lord. Furthermore, I believe that “Jew” that had His robe held onto in verse 23 is referring to our Lord Jesus.

Although we can go through this chapter verse by verse, I want to examine how God prescribed His people in the restored Jerusalem to speak to one another. “These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make peace; do not devise evil in your hearts against one another, and love no false oath, for all these things I hate, declares the Lord” (v.16-17). This verse has the potential to mean many different things to different people. The biggest potential for any problem lies in one’s definition of truth. Nowadays, many people, even Christians, have come to believe that each person can have their own version of the “truth.” Many people use the term “my truth.” Of course, common sense says that if two people look at the same creature, and one sees a dog but the other a cat, only one of those statements is true. Even if the dog looks like a cat, it is still a dog and not a cat. The same goes for the concept of truth. Truth must never be mistaken for opinion, hypotheses, and unique perspectives. God’s Word, is the truth.

So what happens if someone does something that really upsets you? Do we tell that person: I hate you? Or do we say something such as: “You did something that upset me, so we need to talk?” Paul clarifies what Zechariah said: “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15). When Christians experience conflict with other Christians, and we will, we must calmly talk things out. Many Japanese people have trouble with this because of the cultural value of “honne” and “tatemae.” To be clear, when you use “tatemae,” there is a strong possibility that you are not speaking the truth. Many Japanese people resolve their problems by leaving and cutting off their relationship with the person that offended them. I believe this is not the biblical way of resolving conflicts. God clearly wants us to resolve our conflicts by calmly speaking the truth in love. I have a very low confidence that the use of “tatemae” to protect harmony will truly resolve conflict. After all, together, we are the body of Christ. The body of Christ is not just one local church but all of the combined churches all over the world. There is only one body of Christ, not many little bodies of Christ all over the world. When one person leaves, the whole body hurts. Remember Jesus’ parable about the lost sheep? All heaven rejoices when that one lost sheep is found. Can we imagine how God feels when one sheep leaves because he is not able to resolve his conflict with his brother? We must resolve our problems by calmly speaking the truth to one another in love.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are the author of truth. Your Word is the truth. Your Word commands us to speak the truth to one another in love. Thank You for showing us that inflicting pain on a brother or sister is inflicting pain on ourselves. Father, please help us not to hurt ourselves. Please help us to speak the truth to one another in love. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen!




2023年12月31日 申命記15章

「与えるとき物惜しみをしてはならない。このことのゆえに、あなたの神、主は、あなたのすべての働きと手のわざを祝福してくださるからである。」15:10(一部抜粋) 15章は、七年の終わりごとに負債の免除をしなければならないことについての規定が述べられている。その時に、物惜しみを...

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