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2023年2月15日 ディボーション


God’s Gift of Imagination















 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、父なる神さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

The final section in Hosea, Hosea 14, prophesies hope for the Israelites who were lost in their idolatry.

God’s first word is “Return (v.1)”. The entire book of Hosea revealed how Israel acted as a prostitute by worshipping idols. However, there will be a day when God’s anger will be satisfied and He will heal His people (v.4). At this time, God promises that He will heal Israel’s apostasy and love them freely (v.4). Using metaphors, Verses 5 through 8 reveals how God will restore His people. Interestingly, God’s Word uses a lot of metaphors that engages a person’s imagination to help them grasp His truth. God could have simply stated that he heal the people and end there (v.4). However, God uses metaphors of other things that the people are familiar with to engage with them and grasp a deep understanding of His truth. His healing love will be “Like the dew,” “blossom like the lily,” “take root like the trees of Lebanon,” “Beauty … like the olive,” “fragrance like Lebanon” (v.5.6). Israel will also “flourish like the grain,” “blossom like the vine,” and Israel’s fame will be “like the wine of Lebanon” (v.7). With this imagery, Israel was able to have hope for a future that they could clearly imagine in their minds.

Although imagination is often discouraged in Christian academics, imagination is actually a unique trait that God gave humans when He created them in His image. Arguably, everything new that man created had to first be conceived in his imagination. Furthermore, whenever someone makes goals, the best goals are ones that instill a clear grasp of what the end product will look like. This requires imagination. In fact, scientific studies reveal that imagination is not something that a person can turn on or turn off, but actually always at work. For example, before driving to church on Sunday’s, a person already has some picture in their subconscious of where she should turn, how long she will be driving on a particular road, and who’s smile she would be greeted with after arriving. God gave Israel an oracle of hope that purposefully engaged their imagination so that they could envision and even smell what their future would be like. This is an important lesson because all Christians walk along side Jesus Christ who promised to never leave us until the end of time (Matthew 28:20). Matthew 18:20 further reveals that whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus’ name, He would make a special type of appearance. Furthermore, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reveals that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is at these times that we can benefit from using our imaginations to grasp the spiritual reality that is all around us. Jesus is always with us and the Holy Spirit does dwell within us. When we gather each Sunday morning as the church, Jesus is also there with us. Although we cannot see Him, He is there among us. When we sing praises, He there among us. As you read this, He is here with you.

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word! You are the creator of the universe and You are Love. Thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your only Son to die for all of our sins and idolatry. Thank You Father for creating us in Your Image, and giving us the ability to imagine You when we cannot see You. Thank You for the vision of hope that You gave us all. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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