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2022年9月1日 ディボーション



“Israel’s Repeated Sin, God’s Relentless Love”






















 父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なるさま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.



The accounts of Jeremiah 37 occur at a time after the first exile of Jews to Babylon. Jerusalem has fallen and is now under the puppet king Zedekiah who was placed there by Nebuchadnezzar (v.1). By now, it was obvious to Zedekiah that all of the false prophets were wrong (v.19) and the only one who truly spoke God’s Word was Jeremiah. Therefore, Zedekiah sent his representatives to Jeremiah to pray to God on their behalf (v.3). The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah and it was not good news. Although Jerusalem’s situation appeared to have improved, the word of the Lord declared that the enemy Chaldean army will burn and capture Jerusalem (v.8). When the Chaldean army temporarily withdraws from besieging Jerusalem, Jeremiah is falsely accused of deserting and is imprisoned and beaten (v.11-15). During Jeremiah's imprisonment, King Zedekiah once again, this time secretly, calls on Jeremiah for God’s council. Jeremiah’s response to Zedekiah “You shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon” (v.17). In spite of all these warnings, Zedekiah, his servants, and the people that remained in Jerusalem continued to be disobedient to God (v.2). 


The Old Testament is full of stories about God's love, patience, judgment, and Israel’s continuous sin. God continues to reach out to His people and, for the most part, God’s people continue to sin and do things in their own ways. Not only in the Book of Jeremiah, but in the Old Testament as a whole, this pattern persists. If left to stand on its own, the Old Testament becomes an incomplete book of unfulfilled promises by God. Unfortunately, the Jews to this day only have the Old Testament as their Bible. As Christians, however, we also have the New Testament. In the New Testament, we read that all of the promises that God made were fulfilled through Jesus Christ. When meeting with His disciples, Jesus declared: “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled” (Luke 24:44, ESV). Immediately after this, the narrator observed: “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45, ESV). Although Jesus’ disciples, as Jewish men, were raised from an early age studying and memorizing Old Testament Scripture. Despite His disciples’ previous academic activity, Jesus needed to open their minds for them to fully understand the truths about Him in Scripture. As Christians, through The Holy Spirit, we have Jesus with us to reveal the deeper truths about Him in the Old Testament. If we look deeply enough, we will soon discover that all of Scripture points to Jesus Christ. Even in Jeremiah 37, we can see hints of how Jesus will suffer for us as revealed in the four Gospels. One of Jesus’ roles was a prophet. However, just like Jeremiah, He was rejected and beaten. However, unlike Jeremiah’s suffering, through Jesus’ wounds, we were all healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24).


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You, and You alone are God and worthy of our praise. Through the writings of Jeremiah and all of the Old Testament, you revealed to us that not only the kings, but all people possess a natural tendency to disobey You. We tend to listen only to things that we want to hear. We pay attention to what we see as “good things,” even though they may be false. We also ignore Your warnings, even though they may save our lives. Father, we realize that we are all sinners and have an inability to obey Your will on our own. Thank You, Father, for Jesus Christ, who died for all of our sins, and the regenerating work of Your Holy Spirit who is restoring all of us more and more back into Your Image. Thank You, for this ongoing work of Your Spirit, Who is making us more and more able to live our lives more according to Your will. Please, Father, continue to have our Spirit work in all of us so we can become more and more like Jesus. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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