ヨハネの福音書 2章
God the Father Revealing Himself Through Jesus
第一は、イエスが母マリアを 「女 」と呼んでいるのは、イエスの時代の言語と文化を知らない多くの人々には驚きかもしれません。はっきり言って、イエスは母親に対して失礼なことをしたわけではありません。コイネーと呼ばれる当時のギリシャ語で「gunei」(女)とは、女性に対して使う正式な呼び方です。これは、イエスがサマリアの女、姦淫で捕らえられた女、十字架につけられた母マリア、マグダラのマリアに対して使われたのと同じ言葉なのです。
私たちのすべての罪を清めるために、イエスさまが十字架で死んでくださったほどに、私たちを愛してくださることを感謝します。ありがとうございます、お父さま。私たちはあなたを愛しています、お父さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.
The Gospel of John is not like the other 3 Gospels. All who have read the first 3 Gospels, Mark, Matthew, and Luke, may have recognized that a lot of overlapping content with only slight changes in the details. Matthew wrote his Gospel mostly by recording the events that he personally witnessed. Mark, although not believed to be an eyewitness himself, recorded mostly the events that were experienced by the Apostle Peter. As the Gospel itself reveals, Luke was mostly a collection of eye-witness testimonies that the doctor Luke collected. These first 3 Gospels are known as the Synoptic Gospels because they were meant to be looked at together. We have a better understanding of the events and teachings of the first three gospels when studying them together. The Gospel of John, however, contains around 90% original material that is not found in the other gospels. John’s arrangement of his gospel is also unique as it is believed that he did not arrange his gospel using chronology as the dominant factor, but topic. Therefore, it is best to keep in mind that although an event may show up early on in John’s gospel, it does not necessarily mean that the event took place at the beginning of Jesus’ 3-year ministry.
John 2 begins by narrating what took place at a wedding in Cana, which was close to Capernaum which Jesus used as a home base. Jesus was attending this wedding of unnamed people with his disciples and mother. Although this account is narrated in a way that is easy to understand, a few points need to be made. The first is that many people unfamiliar with Jesus’ language and culture may be astounded when he called His mother Mary “Woman.” To be clear, Jesus was not being rude to His mother. “Woman,” “gunei” in koine Greek, was a formal way to address women. This is the same word that Jesus used to address the woman in Samaria, the woman who was caught in adultery, his mother Mary at the crucifixion, and Mary Magdalene. What is clear, however, is that Jesus’ role was not “Son of Mary,” but “Jesus the Messiah” at this point. Most scholars will also agree that this event in which Jesus turned water into wine was his first public display of a miracle. The other point that needs to be made is that Jesus did not simply make wine out of water. Jesus made over 120 gallons of very high-quality wine that even drunk people could notice.
The second event mentioned is Jesus’ cleansing of the temple. As mentioned earlier, John arranged his gospel by theme, not chronology. We know this because the Synoptic gospels mention that Jesus cleansed the temple closer to the end of His ministry, not the beginning. Common sense will dictate that if Jesus did indeed cleanse the temple soon after performing His first miracle, all four gospels would be full of accounts of Pharisees trying to kill Him. Although Pharisees did try to kill Him, and ultimately succeed, this did not happen until the later part of His third and final year of ministry. What John may have wanted to emphasize was Jesus’ zeal for His Father’s house (Psalm 69:9). John may have wanted to show his readers that Jesus, through His own actions, revealed that He was the Son of God.
In the previous chapter, John revealed that Jesus was already with God before He created the universe. Jesus was with God and Jesus was God (John 1:1-2). Jesus is not only the Son of God, but Jesus is God. John 1 reveals how Jesus was involved in Creation, had His coming announced by John the Baptist, and found His disciples. John 2 reveals the signs of Jesus to further reveal who He was. Turning water into wine revealed his sovereignty over nature. Jesus’ zeal for His Father’s house revealed His identity as the Son of God. As the Gospel of John continues, more and more will be revealed about Jesus by topic. As John 1:18 reveals, we will learn more and more about our Father in heaven through Jesus.
Thank you, Father, for today’s Word. Although mystery surrounds You, You made Yourself known through Jesus Christ. In the previous chapter, You revealed that Your Son Jesus is not part of creation; He is God. To further reveal Yourself through Jesus, You also showed us many signs and wonders such as Jesus turning water into 120 gallons of the finest wine. You also revealed your relationship with Jesus in the cleansing of the temple. You cannot bear to have sin in your sight and Jesus proved this at the temple cleansing. Thank you, Father, for loving us so much that You want us to know about You. And Father, thank you for loving us so much that you sent Jesus to not only reveal You, but also die for all of our sins so we can spend all eternity with You. Thank you, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.