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2022年7月21日 ディボーション




“Jesus Overcame the World”










 23節で、イエスは「わたしの名によって父に求めるものは何でも、父はあなたがたに与えてくださいます。」(ヨハネ16:23, 新改訳2017)と啓示されています。多くのクリスチャンの教師は、この聖句を誤用して、神が瓶の中の精霊のようだと教えています。神は瓶の中の精霊ではありません。




 その晩の締めくくりとして、イエスはこう宣言されました。「これらのことをあなたがたに話したのは、あなたがたがわたしにあって平安を得るためです。世にあっては苦難があります。しかし、勇気を出しなさい。わたしはすでに世に勝ちました」 (ヨハネ16:33)。






 お父さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


John 16 contains the final part of Jesus’ last lesson to His disciples. Jesus and His disciples were having their Passover meal in the upper room of a borrowed home in Jerusalem. Earlier that evening, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet and disclosed that someone would betray Him. Judas then ran off into the night. Jesus and the remaining 11 disciples then had communion with bread and wine. John 16 covers the final part of the ongoing teachings that happened that night before Jesus was taken away and crucified. 


Jesus explained that He needed to teach His disciples some important things before He left because persecution was coming to them. Jesus will return to the Father. Jesus further reveals that it was necessary for Him to return to the Father for the Holy Spirit to come. There are two major purposes for the Spirit. The first is that the Holy Spirit will come to earth to convict the world of its sin. This work of the Holy Spirit works in all people both Christians and non-Christians, yet on an individual basis. Because we live in a fallen world, a fallen system, and learned in schools from other fallen people like us, we need to Holy Spirit who is the “Spirit of Truth.” This leads to the second role of the Holy Spirit. He will also reveal things not previously revealed. Unfortunately, not all Christians agree on the content of what is to be revealed. Most everyone agree that we need the Holy Spirit to fully understand the Bible as the Holy Spirit illuminates us. We can also agree that the Holy Spirit enabled John to write his Gospel that we are now reading. One subject that divides a lot of Christians, however, is new revelation. Many people throughout the centuries, and even today, have abused this verse and claim to speak new revelations that often clearly contradicted the Bible. However, we also cannot ignore the fact that God is sovereign and He can still speak to us. Therefore, verse 14 reminds us that if the Holy Spirit reveals something to us, He will also glorify Jesus. 


In Verse 23, Jesus reveals “Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you” (John 16:23, ESV). Many Christian teachers have also misused this verse and taught others that God is like a genie in a bottle. God is not a genie in a bottle. Many of us pray for the war in Ukraine to end now but it continues. Many of us pray for cancer to disappear but people continue to die every day from it. So what does Jesus mean when He said this? We need to remember that Jesus was speaking to His 11 disciples that truly knew Him. As Christians, we know that an essential part of our prayers is to ask God for things that are within His will. God has, God is, and God will continue to answer prayers that are within His will and His plan for all of us. Suffering will continue in this world but prayers will also be answered. To close the evening, Jesus declared:I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, ESV). Jesus conquered the ruler of this world, the devil, with His death and resurrection on the Cross. All that believe in Jesus have also overcome this world.


Thank You, Father, for Your Word today. You are God and You alone are holy. You are the author of truth and truth only comes from You. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, You Spirit of Truth that lives in us and continues to teach us Your truth. Thank you for that same Spirit who convicts us of our sins and corrects us of our mistakes. Most of all, thank you for sending Your Son Jesus to die for us on the Cross and overcome the world. Please, Father, we ask in Jesus’ Name that you continue to lead us and let Your will be done in our lives. Let Your Spirit guide us, protect us, and empower us to accomplish Your will for our lives here on earth. Thank You, Father. We love you, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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