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2022年6月23日 ディボーション


“We are the Bride, Jesus is our Redeemer”











 婚宴のたとえ話で、イエスは招待客が来なかったとき、父がどうしたかを説明しています。「『〜だから大通りに行って、出会った人をみな披露宴に招きなさい。』しもべたちは通りに出て行って、良い人でも悪い人でも出会った人をみな集めたので、披露宴は客でいっぱいになった。」(マタイ22:9-10 、新改訳2017)。






 父なる神さま、あなたが私たちを愛して、あなたのひとり子を私たちに与えてくださったことを感謝します。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています、父なる神さま。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


Isaiah 54 begins by describing Israel as a disgraced woman who is restored by God. She was once barren but will soon be bearing many children; so many children that she would have to expand her dwellings (v.1-2). The once childless Israel will have so many children that she will possess the nations (v.3). Through Isaiah, God declares that although Israel was once disgraced, her shame will one day be removed (v.4). Verse 5 introduces some very familiar words: Israel’s Maker is her Husband, and “The Lord of Hosts is His Name” (v.5). Furthermore, the Holy One of Israel is revealed to be Israel’s Redeemer (v.5). The Holy One of Israel further reveals that He is not just the God of Israel, but the God of the whole world. (v.5). God reveals that although He punished Israel by temporarily separating Himself from Israel, He will one day express His love to her by showing her compassion and redeeming her (v.6-8). Isaiah 54 climaxes in verses 9 and 10. In verse 9, God promises that there will be a time when He will no longer be angry with and rebuke Israel in the same way that he will never again bring a flood as in the days of Noah. Although the mountains and hills may no longer stand, God binds Himself by a convenient that He will no never again leave His people nor remove His peace from them (v.10). 

Isaiah 54 continues further, let us focus closely on what was already said. First of all, the original context cannot be ignored. Isaiah was prophesying in a time when Jerusalem was still intact but under extreme duress from the Assyrians and Babylonians. Jerusalem’s fall was imminent, however, through Isaiah, God spoke to His people. Although all hope seemed to be lost, God revealed that He will keep the promise that He made to Abraham: “… I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12: 2-3). God reaffirmed this promise to Israel in Isaiah 54:5. However, as God reaffirmed His promise to Abraham, He also revealed how he will accomplish it: God Himself will be this Israel’s husband (v.5). All over the New Testament, we can read that Jesus is that husband (John 3:29; Matthew 9:15;  Mark 2:19, Luke 5:34). Furthermore, we read that the Church is the bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7-9, 21:2, 9-11). We also know that the bride of Christ, that is the Church, is not only Jews, but also includes non-Jews. In His parable about the wedding feast, Jesus explains what the Father did when the invited guests did not show: “Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests”(Matthew 22:9-10 ESV). The New Testament mentions many times that the bride of Christ is indeed the Church. As Isaiah prophesied, God Himself, Jesus, is our Redeemer.

Thank You, Father, for Your Word today. You and You alone are God. You have constantly showed us that You keep Your promises. In Isaiah 54, You showed us that You kept the original promise that You made to Abraham. Israel did not perish but did fill the nations. At the same time, You also promised that through Abraham’s offspring will bless the people of the whole world. You kept that promise too, and His name is Jesus Christ. Indeed, the whole world is blessed by the seed of David who is Jesus our Lord and Savior. Thank You, Father, that You loved us so much that You gave us Your one and only Son. Thank you, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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