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2022年6月2日  ディボーション


 “The Fear of the Lord is Our Treasure”







 2節には、次のように書かれています。「主よ、あわれんでください。私たちはあなたを待ち望みます。朝ごとに私たちの腕となり、苦難の時の、私たちの救いとなってください。」(2節, 聖書 新改訳2017)。「主はいと高き方で、高い所に住み、シオンを公正と義で満たされる」(5節, 聖書 新改訳2017)。











In Isaiah 33, we start off the chapter by reading what is undeniable frustration on Isaiah’s part. The prophet Isaiah delivered his oracles in very turbulent times. These were times when Israel was subjected to almost constant from the Assyrians and Babylonians. What makes things worse is that not only was Israel divided into two kingdoms, but these two kingdoms were also under the rule of most very ungodly and unwise kings. What the first verse signals is that Israel was betrayed. We don’t know for sure by whom Israel was betrayed, but we do know that there were only a small number of possibilities. It could have been the Assyrians. We know that King Hezekiah paid the king of Assyria a ransom to break off his attack but to no avail. We also know that Israel attempted to form an alliance with the Egyptians that amounted to nothing. Although we may never know exactly by whom the Israelites were betrayed, one thing is certain: Israel placed their trust in another nation rather than in their own God.


Verse 2 goes on to say: “O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble” (v. 2, ESV). The first section of Isaiah 33 climaxes in the words: “The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, and he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure” (v. 5, ESV). Indeed, a key takeaway from these passages is that we must be patient and wait for God to act in His time and in His way. As sons and daughters of the one true God, we cannot place our faith in any humans or their institutions. By their fallen nature, all human institutions will fall short and sooner or later disappoint. We cannot place our faith in any institution that is subject to the Fall. Our only hope is God. Only God is eternally faithful. The only guarantee about tomorrow is that God will be there. As the prophet Isaiah declared: Our treasure is the fear of the Lord. Our Lord is the only true and dependable source of wisdom and knowledge. And lastly, salvation is only through the Lord; our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You and You alone are our salvation and our hope. Thank You for showing us once again that our true treasure is You, Lord. You are our portion, Lord. Everything that we have, even our very existence is from You, Lord. You are all that we need. Please, Father, help us to grow in the areas of our faith where we lack. Father, although we are often unfaithful, we know that You are faithful. Thank you for sending Your Son Jesus to us so we can now spend all eternity with You. Thank You for the blood of Your son that brought reconciliation and healing in this fallen world. Thank You, Father, for Salvation. Please lead us with Your Spirit and teach us Your ways. Let that same Spirit keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open and receptive to Your truth. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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