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2022年6月16日 ディボーション


“God’s Judgement on Babylon“



























Similar to Isaiah 46, Isaiah 47 prophesies about a time that is beyond the prophet Isaiah’s lifetime. Isaiah prophesied from Jerusalem in the days when it was under siege from both Assyria and Babylon. Eventually, Jerusalem fell to Babylon and the Israelites were taken away from their land to Babylon. Isaiah 47 prophesies about Babylon’s fall to the Persian Empire. (2 Chronicles 36:17-23 gives a brief account of these events). Babylon, the great empire that once stood at the top of the world, will be brought down to “… sit in the dust” and humiliated (v.1-3). God declared that although He was once angry with His people and delivered them into the hands of the Babylonians, the captors of His people abused their power and were exceedingly hard on them (v.6). The Babylonians became overconfident in themselves (v.7) The Babylonian empire became so confident that they viewed themselves as god. Isaiah mentions 2 times of what Babylon thought to herself: “I am, and there is no one besides me” (v.8, 10). Let’s remember, God said something similar about Himself in the two previous chapters: “… I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:18), “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me” (Isaiah 46:9). However, Babylon is not a god. Although Babylon remains confident in itself (V.8) and confident in its wisdom and knowledge (v.10), God declares that their objects of their security will be their downfall. 


Isaiah delivered an oracle that occurred after his lifetime but before ours. How can we learn from a prophecy that was not originally intended for us and was already fulfilled? We need to extract those eternal truths from God’s Word. Some of those timeless truths are: 1) God does not want people to abuse their power (v.6), 2) Nothing is hidden from God and He will eventually reveal the truth (v.3), 3) God, and He alone is our redeemer (v.4), 4) God detests the proud, self-confident, and lover of pleasures, 5) God detest those who make themselves god (v.8), 6) Man’s wisdom will fail (v.10), and 7) In the end, only God saves (v.15). In other words, God’s will, will be done. When God makes a declaration, it will happen.


Researchers have found that the Babylonians tried and failed to predict the future by studying the stars and the intestines of sacrificed animals. Historians reveal that the horoscope system used by the Greeks is the same system that the Babylonians used with substituted names. Interestingly this is the same horoscopes that many people, even Christians, seek advice from today by reading their horoscopes. But we do not stop here. Many people today place their faith in technology, artificial intelligence, and other so-called experts before consulting God through prayer or His Word. Historians often study history because they often observe that history repeats itself. Indeed, like the Babylonians, many of us today pride ourselves in our falsely perceived ability to be self-sustained. Those of us who trust is God’s Word, however, know that it is God who sustains us whether we realize it or not. God created the universe and everything inside it. Obviously, this means that God also created us. Furthermore, everything that we think we create is only a manipulation of what God already created. Everything new that we discover was also their from the beginning because God created it.


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You, and You alone are God, and there is no One like You. You created the universe and everything in it. You even created us. Please, God, help us to maintain an awareness of all that You are and do for us. We confess that way too often, we falsely believe that we can do things on our own. We falsely believe that we can create things on our own. We wrongfully place our faith in objects and technologies that are the works of our own hands. We can do nothing without You, Father. We are nothing without You, Father. Please give us a humble heart to be constantly aware of this truth. We were also once dead. Through the blood of Jesus, You brought us back to life. Thank You, Father, for our salvation. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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