“God is God, and there is no other”
偶像崇拝者への最後の訴えとして、神は再び彼らに念を押されます。「… わたしが神である。ほかにはいない。わたしのような神はいない。」(9節)。神は初めであり、終わりです(10節)。神はどこにでもおられます。神は万能である。神の意志は、必ず実現する(11節)。イエスは来られる(13節)。
もし私たちが「誰を一番信頼し、頼りにしているか」と自問したら、どんな答えが返ってくるでしょうか。それは神でしょうか? それとも、1)配偶者、2)両親、3)メンター、4)お金、あるいは5)自分自身でしょうか。
Isaiah 46 is often read as a continuation from Isaiah 45:14. The later part of Isaiah 45 essentially talked about God’s ability to save. Again, we must remember the context in which Isaiah delivered this oracle. Isaiah prophesied from Jerusalem before it fell to the Babylonians. Although Jerusalem was under constant attack from both Assyria and Babylon, Jerusalem was still standing. Isaiah 46, however, prophecies about the postexilic future where the rule of Jerusalem’s Babylonian conquerors too will come to an end. God declared through the prophet Isaiah: “… I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:18). Isaiah 46 starts off by pointing out the futility of idol worship. Babylon’s false gods, Bel and Nebo, will also be brought down. The idols that carry their images too will be a burden to their worshippers as they are carried off into captivity (v.1-2). God reminds His people, however, He is not like the Babylonian gods that need to be carried around and burden its worshippers. God, the only true God, sustains His people and rescues them (v. 3-4). Again, God reminds His people that there is no other like Him (v. 5). As a final appeal to idol worshippers, God again reminds them again: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me” (v.9). He is the beginning and the end (v.10). God is everywhere. God is all-powerful. God’s will, will be done (v.11). Jesus is coming (v.13).
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are all aware of the futility of idol worship. God commands us throughout His Word to not create, bow down to, or worship any idols. Obviously, Christians are well aware that they must not bow down to any statue or things like it. However, although modern people no longer see people bowing down to statues images of Bel, Nebo, or Baal, are there things out there that we need to be careful about? In modern times, we often interpret “idols” to be things in our lives that take the place of God. Are there things in our lives that take the place of God? To some people, it may be a fancy car, bank account, job, nice house, or certain people. If we ask ourselves the question “Who do we trust and depend on the most,” what will be our answer? Is it God? Or will it be other things such as 1) our spouse 2) Parents, 3) Mentors, 4) Money, or perhaps 5) ourselves. God reminds us: “I am God, and there is no other” (v.9). He created the universe and He created us. He also reminds us in Isaiah 46 that it is also He that sustains and protects us.
Thank You, Father, for Your Word today. Father, You are God, and there is no One else like You. Thank you for reminding us that we must not rely on anyone but You; not even ourselves. We must place all of our faith in You, and You alone. Through the prophet Isaiah, You promised Israel and Savior. You kept your promise by sending Your Son Jesus Christ, who was not only Israel’s Savior, but the Savior of all the world. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.