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2022年5月12日 ディボーション



Tell the World that Salvation Comes From Jesus















 私たちは、あなたの体が互いに平和であることがあなたの御心であることを知っています。あなたが私たちを愛されたように、私たちも兄弟姉妹を愛せるように力を与えてください。あなたの御心が天で行われるように、この地上でも行われるようにしてください。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, amen.

Isaiah prophesied a lot on judgement and hope. In the days that Isaiah prophesied, God revealed through Isaiah that Israel became unfaithful and wicked. Because of their great sin, God was bringing judgement to them. However, Isaiah also prophesied on a future hope. After Israel is cut down and made desolate, hope will again sprout from its stump (Isaiah 6:13). Furthermore, “… the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14), or “God with us.” Although the Assyrians will crush Israel (Isaiah 8), a Child will be born to them, “and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:8). God is faithful. Because He is faithful, He will bring judgement to the Assyrians who crushed Israel (Isiah 10: 1-19). The remnant of Israel will return. Out of that remnant, out of the “root of Jesse [King David’s Father], will come hope. Isaiah 12 declares that will happen on that day that God fulfills this hope.

On that day, we will give thanks to the Lord because he turned his anger away from us. Although God judged us for our trespasses, He also provided a way for salvation. Because fallen man cannot do anything to make himself right with God, God reconciled himself to man through the death of His son Jesus Christ on the cross. Over 700 years before Jesus walked the earth, Isaiah prophesied His future coming to all of Israel. That glorious day, that glorious moment when God reconciled Himself to the world that is prophesied in this 12th chapter of Isaiah happened on a Friday over 2000 years ago when Jesus took His final breath on the cross. For all of us who believe, our sin died on the Cross with Jesus and we were reconciled with God. On the third day, when Jesus rose from the dead, we were made alive too. As verse two proclaims: “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2). Indeed, God Himself became our salvation. And it is with great joy that we can now drink from the wells of Jesus’ living water. As we give thanks to our Lord, we must remember that it is also our duty to carry out the Great Commission as Isaiah declares “in that day … make known His deeds among the peoples, proclaim that His Name is exalted” (Isaiah 12:4). We must tell the world about Jesus. We must sing praised to the Lord and let the whole world know about Him (Isaiah 12:5). We sing for joy because God is with us.

Thank You, Father, for Your word today. Thank you helping us to grow with our faith. In studying Isaiah, You showed us proof that Jesus was no made up story. You showed us that Your prophet Isaiah prophesied many times about Jesus’ coming 700 years before He walked this earth. Although we were still sinners Lord, you came and offered salvation to us in advance. While we remain in sin, You humbled yourself to the point of death. You, Lord, the Lord of Lord, King of Kings, Creator of all of us and the Creator of the universe, reconciled Yourself with us by dying on that Cross. Thank You Father for loving us so much that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for us. Please, Father, fill us with Your Spirit so we too can forgive our brothers and sisters in the same way that You forgave us. We know that it is Your will for Your body to be in peace with each other. Give us strength to love our brothers and sisters as You loved us. Let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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