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2022年12月7日 ディボーション

ローマ人への手紙 1章  マーク今村


“The Righteous will Live by Faith!”






 パウロがこの聖書の本質的な真理を引用する何百年も前に、預言者ハバククがこう預言しています。「見よ。彼の心はうぬぼれていて直ぐでない。しかし、正しい人はその信仰によって生きる。」(ハバクク2:4 )。









 父なる神さま、御子イエスさまを私たちのために十字架で死なせてくださり、私たちがあなたを礼拝して永遠に過ごすことができることを感謝します。父なる神さま、ありがとうございます。父なる神さま、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.


Paul’s letter to the Romans has probably been one of the most influential of Paul’s letters to many Christians throughout history. As far as the letter itself, Romans was not the first epistle that Paul authored. For some reason, the people responsible for organizing the New Testament letters organized Paul’s letters from longest to shortest. The same was done for the other letters that were not authored by Paul. As far as timeline, most scholars believe that Paul wrote Romans during his three-month stay in the area of Corinth in around 57AD toward the end of his third mission around the East Mediterranean. Luke records these events at the beginning of Acts 20.


Although Romans 1 is full of an overabundance of God’s truth, I will focus on just one verse today, that that is: “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, ‘The righteous shall live by faith.’” (Romans 1:17 ESV). So where was written? Hundreds of years before Paul quoted this essential biblical truth, the Prophet Habakkuk professed: “Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith”(Habakkuk 2:4 ESV). It was this verse that the former Roman Catholic Martin Luther wrestled with before inevitably sparking the Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholics believed that a person had to perform a certain amount of sacraments in order to gain Salvation. Some of these sacraments were baptism, confession and penance, confirmation, the Eucharist, and a bunch of other acts that believers must perform in order to secure their Salvation. During this time, the Roman Catholic church was in the practice of selling indulgences. These were tickets that the Roman Catholic sold in order to shorten the time that deceased relatives spent in Purgatory, a temporary holding place where worldly sin is burnt off before one enters heaven. (Christians do not believe in Purgatory) Martin Luther realized, however, that Scripture teaches that salvation if by faith alone. Caught up on Paul’s words: “The righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17, ESV), Luther realized that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ only. One of Jesus’ last words on the cross was, “it is finished” (John 19:30, ESV). When Jesus was condemned to the cross, and all of our sin along with Him, Jesus declared that the work of Salvation was complete. No other action, no other work, no matter how sincere, is needed for salvation. Jesus accomplished all that there was to be accomplished at the cross. All we need to do to receive salvation through Jesus’ righteousness is to believe in Him.


Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You are the almighty God, Creator of the universe. Salvation, reconciliation with You, is only through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. Nothing we or any human on earth, can do, will save us. Only faith in Jesus’ work on the cross can save us. Thank You, Father, for reminding us that salvation is through grace and a gift from You. Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son Jesus to die for us on the cross so we can now spend eternity worshipping You. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.




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