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2022年11月16日 ディボーション

エゼキエル書28章 Marc今村

“Let’s Keep our Faith in God!”














 今日、この真理を私たちに照らしてくださって、ありがとうございます。私たちの人生のすべての日々を忘れることがないように助けてください。私たちの目をあなただけに向けることができるように助けてください。ありがとうございます。お父さま、私たちはお父さまを愛しています。In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

Ezekiel 28 continues God’s oracles against the nations that surrounded Israel that started in Ezekiel 25. Ezekiel 25 was against the nations of Ammon, Moab, Sier, Edom, and Philistia. However, Ezekiel delivered many oracles of judgment against the nation of Tyre beginning in Ezekiel 26 and continuing until Ezekiel 28. The oracles against Tyre in chapters 26 and 27 were against the nation of Tyre. In Ezekiel 28, however, prophecies were made specifically against Tyre’s prince (v.1-10), and king (11-19). The independent nation Tyre was a port city that experienced a lot of financial prosperity in the days that Ezekiel prophesied from his captivity in Babylon. Tyre had the position of being a huge commercial Empire because of its position of being a center of trade. Other contributing factors to Tyre’s wealth were the sale of cedar wood, textiles dyed from murex shells, and the slave trade. Historians believe that Tyre was able to maintain its independence even at the peak of the Assyrian empire expansions by paying tributes. Because of Tyre’s economic prosperity, its prince declared himself to be a god (v.2). He also declared himself to be wiser than Daniel (This person is likely not the same Daniel as in the book of Daniel). However, because Tyre’s prince saw himself to be a god, the one true God declared that the false god of Tyre would be slain by foreigners. As to the king of Tyre, God declares that it was He who placed the king of Tyre on his throne (v.14). Although God once saw him as blameless (v.15), the wealth that he gained from trade corrupted him (v.16). Because of this, judgment will fall on Tyre’s king also. Historically, Tyre fell to Nebuchadnezzar after a long 13-year siege.

Throughout history, people have continued to be corrupted by their wealth. Many people throughout history have fallen as a result of misusing their wealth. Maybe this is why Jesus taught: “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24). The truth of the matter is that everyone needs money to survive. We need money to purchase food and other essentials for living. Furthermore, God does not teach us that money is a bad thing. What the apostle Paul teaches us is “for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils) (1 Timothy 6:10). We all need money. However, even today, we see people who have an overabundance of money do all sorts of ungodly things. Like the prince of Tyre, many people who are mesmerized by the overabundance of money become little gods in their own minds. Typically, these people do not even think of God because they feel that they have no need for God. Their wealth and money provide everything that they believe they need. These people have placed all of their faith in money, not God. This is why Jesus said it is nearly impossible for rich people to go to heaven.

Jesus, however, loves all of us. He loves both the rich and the poor. Following His conversation about the camel and needle, Jesus declared: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” God is the same today as He was yesterday. The same God that condemned Tyre is still God today. God still hates the self-reliant pride of the rich that sees themselves as little gods. He hates this because they ignore the fact that God provides for both the poor and the rich. God created everything that exists (John 1:3). An overabundance of money simply allowed God’s provision to accumulate with the rich. If we can acknowledge that everything indeed comes from God and turn away from our sin of denying God, rich and poor can all be saved. The blood of Jesus turns away God’s wrath. We cannot do this on our own. But with God, through the sacrifice that He provided on His own, He makes it possible. We must place our faith in Jesus Christ, who not only died for us on the cross for our sins, but also created, and continues to sustain us and everything that ever existed (John 1:3, Hebrews 1:3).

Thank You, Father, for today’s Word. You, and You alone are God. You created the universe, and You continue to sustain it. We truly can do nothing without You. We exist because You created us. Thank you for illuminating this truth to us today. Please help us never forget all the days of our lives. Help us to keep our eyes only on You. Thank You, Father. We love You, Father. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




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