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詩篇第一巻  8篇

O Yahweh, our Lord, How Majestic is Your Name in all the earth!

主よ 私たちの主よ あなたの御名は全地にわたり なんと力に満ちていることでしょう。あなたの ご威光は天で たたえられています。」(詩篇8:1

 ダビデは、すべてを創造したのは主なる神であることを宣言します。さらに、神が人間を創造し、人間に特別な場所を与えたことを彼は宣言します。そして彼は、冒頭の言葉と全く同じ言葉で締め括るのです。「主よ 私たちの主よ あなたの御名は全地にわたり なんと力に満ちていることでしょう。」(9節





 私たちもどうでしょうか?もしも、誰かのためにチョコレートのバースデーケーキを焼いて、その人に感謝されたら嬉しいと思います。さらに、一言の「ありがとう 」だけではなく「素敵なチョコレートのバースデーケーキをありがとう 」と言ってもらえたら、より嬉しく感じます。そして、きっと私たちもこう返事するでしょう。「私の誕生日に私のことを想い、あの美味しくて、素敵なチョコレートのバースデーケーキを作ってくださり、心から感謝します。本当に美味しかったです。ありがとう!」

 これです。神様は、私たちが日々の生活の中で神様がしてくださることを思い出し、感謝するときを喜んでくださるのです。聖書には、私たちがみこころのゆえに、神様の喜びの存在、神を賛美する存在として造られた、とあります(黙示録4:11)。 ですから、神を賛美することは、私たちにとっても素晴らしい祝福です。神を賛美し、感謝を捧げることは、神が私たちにしてくださったこと、そして今もしてくださっていることを覚え、神の恵み一つ一つが当然のことと思わないようにしてくれます。私たちは、誰かにしてもらったことを忘れがちです。ましてや、神様が私たちのためにしてくださっていることも、忙しい生活の中で忘れてしまうことがあるかもしれません。私たちは、愛と恵みに満ちた神様が私たちのためにしてくださることを決して忘れずにいたいと願います。人生のあらゆる瞬間に神様を思い出し、感謝し続けさせていただきましょう。





......主よ 私たちの主よ あなたの御名は全地にわたり なんと力に満ちていることでしょう。」愛に満ちた素晴らしい父である神様、あなたに感謝します。あなたは、私たちが母の胎で組み立てられる前から、私たちのことを想い導いてくださいました。感謝します。また、私たちに与えられた家族に感謝し、この素晴らしい人生に感謝します。私たちが永遠にあなたと生きるために、御子イエス様を十字架でささげてくださった愛を感謝します。主よ、私はあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


O Yahweh, our Lord, How Majestic is Your Name in all the earth!


Psalm 8, another Psalm of David, opens by declaring “O Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens” (Ps. 8:1). David continues to declare how it is God, Yahweh, that created everything. David continues by declaring how God created man and gave man a special place just “. . . a little lower than the heavenly beings,” (v.5) but placed over all of earth’s creatures (v.6-7). David closes by saying the exact same words that he opens with: “O Yahweh, our lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”(v.1).


This is a Psalm of worship where King David sings praises to the Lord. Some people may wonder, “why do we need to praise God?” Does God not already know how majestic He is? Does God not already know how majestic his name is in all the earth? Does God benefit in some way from hearing His people praise Him? The short answer: Of course God knows himself and of course he does not need our praises. However, doing so will please God. God rejoices when we, his sons and daughters, remember him in songs of praises. God rejoices not only when we remember Him in general, but also remember all that He did for us in detail. When we are truly thankful when someone does something for us, we remember what that person did in detail. If you baked for someone a chocolate birthday cake, wouldn’t you feel happy if that person thanked you? Furthermore, wouldn’t you be happier if that person said “thank you for that wonderful chocolate birthday cake,” instead of a simple “thank you?” Better yet, would something like this be best: “It was so nice and thoughtful for you to think of me on my birthday. I really appreciate that tasty chocolate birthday cake that you got me. It was delicious! Thank you so much!” 


God rejoices when we remember and appreciate all that He does for us throughout our days. We know this because Scripture teaches us that we were created for God’s pleasure (Rev. 4:11).  Furthermore, praising God also has benefit for us. Praising God and giving Him thanks serves as a reminder for us to always be thankful for all that He did and continues to do for us, and not take His grace for granted. As humans, we often forget what people do for us. Moreover, we often forget all that God does for us as we go on in our busy lives. Let us never forget all that our gracious and loving God does for us, and continue to remember and thank Him every moment in our lives.

O Yahweh, our Lord, How Majestic is Your Name in all the earth!


Psalm 8, another Psalm of David, opens by declaring “O Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens” (Ps. 8:1). David continues to declare how it is God, Yahweh, that created everything. David continues by declaring how God created man and gave man a special place just “. . . a little lower than the heavenly beings,” (v.5) but placed over all of earth’s creatures (v.6-7). David closes by saying the exact same words that he opens with: “O Yahweh, our lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”(v.1).


This is a Psalm of worship where King David sings praises to the Lord. Some people may wonder, “why do we need to praise God?” Does God not already know how majestic He is? Does God not already know how majestic his name is in all the earth? Does God benefit in some way from hearing His people praise Him? The short answer: Of course God knows himself and of course he does not need our praises. However, doing so will please God. God rejoices when we, his sons and daughters, remember him in songs of praises. God rejoices not only when we remember Him in general, but also remember all that He did for us in detail. When we are truly thankful when someone does something for us, we remember what that person did in detail. If you baked for someone a chocolate birthday cake, wouldn’t you feel happy if that person thanked you? Furthermore, wouldn’t you be happier if that person said “thank you for that wonderful chocolate birthday cake,” instead of a simple “thank you?” Better yet, would something like this be best: “It was so nice and thoughtful for you to think of me on my birthday. I really appreciate that tasty chocolate birthday cake that you got me. It was delicious! Thank you so much!” 


God rejoices when we remember and appreciate all that He does for us throughout our days. We know this because Scripture teaches us that we were created for God’s pleasure (Rev. 4:11).  Furthermore, praising God also has benefit for us. Praising God and giving Him thanks serves as a reminder for us to always be thankful for all that He did and continues to do for us, and not take His grace for granted. As humans, we often forget what people do for us. Moreover, we often forget all that God does for us as we go on in our busy lives. Let us never forget all that our gracious and loving God does for us, and continue to remember and thank Him every moment in our lives.


Father in heaven, “. . . our lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Thank you for being the wonderful, all loving father that you are. Thank you for thinking of us from before we were formed in our mothers wombs. Thank you for our families and thank you for this wonderful life. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross so we can all spend eternity with you. I love you Lord! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.




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