詩篇第一巻 22篇
『Salvation in Jesus Revealed Through King David’s Lament』
「わが神 わが神 どうして私をお見捨てになったのですか。」(詩篇22:1)。このみことばは、十字架に架かるイエス様の最後のことばの一つであり、非常に重要な意味を持っています。
9時ごろ、イエスは大声で叫んで言われた。「エリ、エリ、レマ・サバクタニ?」 すなわち「わが神 わが神 どうして私をお見捨てになったのですか」(マタイ27:46)と。十字架に架かるイエス様はその最後、詩篇22篇の最初の節を叫んだのです。
さらに興味深いことに、27節はこう宣言しています。「地の果てのすべての者が 思い起こし 主に帰ってきますように。国々のあらゆる部族も あなたの御前にひれ伏しますように。」(詩篇22:27)これは大宣教命令の完了を意味しているようです。また同時に、神様がアブラハムとイサクになさった約束の成就であるとも考えられます(創世記22:18、26:4)。
We Love you Lord! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Salvation in Jesus Revealed Through King David’s Lament
Although it may not have been obvious to readers in David’s day, most Christians today will notice that tucked in-between the laments of Psalm 22 is hope. In fact, this hope is our ultimate salvation. A careful reading of Psalm 22 will reveal that this is actually a prophecy of Jesus the Messiah. The New Testament later confirms this. Roughly 1,000 year before Jesus Christ was born through a virgin on earth, King David wrote these words in his song of lament.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” (Ps. 22:1)? These words are very significant because these was one of the final words of Jesus as he hung on the cross. “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” (Matt. 27:46)? In his final words, Jesus cryied out the first verse in Psalm 22.
However, Psalm 22 is full of Jesus prophesies. Jesus is further revealed from verse 12, as it describes how Jesus is surrounded by hostile people. Verse 14 reveals how water poured out of Jesus’ sided and all his joints were dislocated on the cross. John 19:34 describes this incident. Verse 15 describes how thirsty Jesus was as He suffered on the cross. Verse 16 reveals how Jesus was nailed to the cross through his hands and feet. Verse 17 reveals how Jesus’s bones were not broken. John 19:33 talks about this incident. Verse 18 talks about how the Roman soldiers divided Jesus’ clothes by casting lots. The Gospel of John confirms that this too was a prophecy fulfilled (John 19:23-24). Verses 19-21 continues with how God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Verse 22 reveals how the risen Jesus now calls us brothers. Moving through Verse 26, we see that all who seek the Lord will praise Him. This is similar to Jeremiah 29:13 where the Lord promises that all who seek Him will find Him.
Interestingly, Verse 27 comes after the New Testament was written. Verse 27 declares: “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you” (Ps. 22:27) The appears to signify the completion of the Great Commission. This can also be seen as the fulfillment of the promises that God made to Abraham and Isaac (Gen. 22:18; 26:4).
Verse 28 and beyond clearly talks about Jesus’ second coming and events that are yet to come. We are all waiting for the day that Jesus becomes the king that rules over all the nations of this earth. As we all know, no nation on this earth is perfect. All nations on this earth have big flaws. As believers in the one true God, we all anxiously await the day when Jesus will come again and bring true peace to this fallen world.
Thank you, father, for blessing us with your word today. Thank you for Word, so we can have more reason to believe, that Jesus, You are real! Prophecy revealed for centuries You were coming. Prophecy was fulfilled when You came. Prophecy will be fulfilled again when You come again! Thank you Father for sending Jesus, your one and only son to to bless the whole earth. Thank you Father for Salvation!
We Love you Lord! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.