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詩篇第一巻 1篇






 この詩篇の最後の節にはこう書かれています。「 まことに正しい者の道は主が知っておられ悪しき者の道は滅び去る。」(6節) ここで私たちは疑問を持ちます。正しい者の道とは何でしょうか? 罪人を避けていれば義人になれるのか? クリスチャンの友人だけを持つことが私たちを正しい者にするのでしょうか? 私たちは何をすべきでしょうか? ダビデの子であるイエスは何をしたのでしょうか?

 イエスは取税人や罪人と一緒に過ごし、食事をしていたので、敵はイエスを「……取税人や罪人の仲間」(マタイ11:19)と呼びました。これは、イエス様が罪人であったことを示しているのでしょうか? そうではありません。実際、イエス様には罪がないだけでなく、私たちが義とされる唯一の方法こそ、イエス様を通してなのです。イエス様は罪人ではありませんが、歴史上のすべての人は罪人なのです。パウロは「......すべての人は罪を犯して、神の栄光を受けることができず、」(ローマ3:23)と説明しています。しかし、パウロはこうも言っています。「神は、罪を知らない方を私たちのために罪とされました。それは、私たちがこの方にあって神の義となるためです。」(2コリント5:21)。また、ダビデはこうも言っています。「まことに正しい者の道は主が知っておられ」(6節)と。その道とはイエス・キリストにあってのみ開かれる義の道なのです。イエス様が私たちの罪のために十字架で死んでくださり、私たちの義となってくださったことを感謝します。


 しかし、私たちは罪人を避けることもできるでしょうか? パウロは、私たちは皆、罪人なので、それは不可能だと教えています。さらに、イエス様は罪人の友になりました。イエス様は、罪人の友になっただけでなく、弟子たちに、地の果てまで行って、イエス様が私たちに教えてくださったことを、罪あるすべての人に教えるように命じられました。私たちは、クリスチャンの友人を持つだけでは、これを達成することはできません。世の中に出て行って、隣人を愛さなければならないのです。私たちの隣人とは誰でしょうか?





Psalm 1 begins by teaching that blessed people do not associate with sinners but meditate day and night on God’s Word. Scholars believe that because this is the first Psalm it was meant to encourage readers to meditate on all the Psalms in this book. Again, instead of wasting all of your time with wicked people, the psalmist, most likely King David, encourages us to read God’s world. 


How can we apply this truth today? We all obviously have a limited amount of time every day. God gives all of us only 24 hours in a day. Many of us start off our mornings by turning on the morning news, scrolling through Facebook, and getting bombarded by the wicked, sinners, and scoffers. Eating our meals in the company of our televisions or our internet devices in many occasions technically invites these sinners and scoffers to dine with us. Instead of having a pleasant time with family, our company is often news commentators with personal agendas telling us their versions of how things are and what we should do. Sometimes we have people yelling at each other on dramas. Some of us watch zombie movies late at night. Using technology, we virtually welcome the wicked, sinners, and scoffers to spend time with us, with our families, in the comfort our living rooms. Are we sometimes guilty of choosing to spend time with these sinners and scoffers when we also had the opportunity to spend family time with God in His Word.


King David continues to teach us that if we meditate on God’s Word day and night, we will be like “. . . a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (v.3) This Psalm also teaches us that the exact opposite will happen to the wicked. The wicked will be blown away like chaff and perish. The final verse in this psalm states: “. . . for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish” (v.6) This brings us to the question: What is the way of the righteous? Will avoiding sinners make us righteous? Will having only Christian friends make us righteous? What should we do? What did Jesus, the son of David, do?


Jesus’ enemies called him “. . .  a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 11:19) because he spent time with and had meals with tax collectors and sinners. Does this indicate that Jesus was a sinner? Certainly not. In fact, not only is Jesus without sin, the only way the we can become righteous is through Him. Jesus is not a sinner but everyone else throughout history is. Paul explains that “. . . all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). However, Paul also declared: “He made Him who know no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). Again, David said: “. . . for the Lord knows the way of the righteous” (v.6), and that way, we know how, is in Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus for dying for our sins on the cross and being our righteousness.

Psalm 1 teaches that we must all read God’s world in order to grow and prosper. Without God’s Word, we will wither and die. As Christians, we must make the time to read, meditate on, and live God’s Word. This is how Christians grow. But do we also avoid sinners? Paul teaches us that this is not possible because we are all sinners. Furthermore, Jesus made friends with sinners. Not only did Jesus make friends with sinners, he commanded his disciples to go to the ends of the earth and teach everyone, sinners, all that he taught us. We cannot accomplish this by only having Christian friends. We must also go out into the world and love our neighbors. Who is our neighbor? Bonhoeffer’s answer: “You yourself are the neighbor, Go and be obedient in acts of love.” (Bonhoeffer, 75). Lets go out and be that neighbor to the people who still do not know the love of Jesus Christ. Let us go out and Love the unlovable. Let us go out and love the sinner. Let us teach the sinner all that Christ Jesus taught us, so the sinner too will be made righteous through Jesus Christ.

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for your Word. Thank you sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Only You, Father, know the way to the righteous. You taught us that this way to righteous is only through your Son Jesus Christ. You also taught us that we are not to only associate with ourselves but be the salt and light of this world. We must love our neighbors. Please give us the strength to be that neighbor to all that need us in this fallen world. As we carry out Your acts of love, You also promised to be with us. Thank you Lord for continuing to be with us as we carry out Your acts of love in this world. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.




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