詩篇第四巻 99篇
“Our God Answers Our Prayers”
天の父よ、今日はあなたの聖なる御言葉をありがとうございます。父よ、あなたが聖なる方であり、私たちの王であり、私たちのすべての礼拝に値する方であることを思い出させてくださり、ありがとうございます。神であるあなただけが、高く上げられなければなりません。父よ、あなたの愛に感謝します。あなたは私たちをとても愛しておられるので、独り子イエスを私たちの間に遣わしてくださいました。私たちは毎年クリスマスになると、この歴史を変える出来事を思い起こします。父よ、イエスを私たちのすべての祈りを聞き、答えてくださる究極の大祭司として立ててくださったことを感謝します。父よ、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
“Our God Answers Our Prayers”
Psalm 99 begins by reminding the reader of listener that Yahweh, our holy God, reigns. The Hebrew word used for “reign” is “melek,” that can also be translated as “king.” Therefore, Yahweh reign is also a kingly reign. Yahweh’s earthly throne is the Arc of the Covenant between the two cherubim. Yahweh is lifted high over all the people. Our response to Yahweh’s holiness is to praise His holy name. Verses 4-5 explains that the King, Yahweh, loves justice. Psalm 99 also explains that God is the one that established equity. Again, our response should be to worship at His footstool. In this case, we worship by bowing down to His feet. Verses 6-9 serves as a reminder of God’s consistent character. The priest Moses, Aaron, and Samuel all called out to Yahweh and He answered. God answers prayers. God’s priests called out to Yahweh and He answered (vv. 6). God spoke to His people and they responded by obeying God’s word (vv. 7). Finally, God also answered by rebuking and forgiving His people (vv. 8). Psalm 99 ends by reminding us again that “Yahweh, our God is holy” (vv.9). Again, our only response to His holiness is to lift Him up high and worship Him.
The major theme of Psalm 99 is Yahweh’s holiness. God is holy and our natural response should always be praise and worship. As we praise and worship God, we must not merely sing songs but constantly be reminded of Whom He really is. We often treat famous people on earth in different ways that we treat non-famous ones. How would you treat the Queen of England or the emperor of Japan if you came face to face with them? Of course, we would not worship them, but we would also not treat them as ordinary people either. We would threat them with honor and respect. When we come to church every Sunday, we worship God, or King, the Creator of all the universe. We minds and attitudes should also be one of honor, and respect. But this must be many times greater than that of reacting to the Emperor of Japan. We must lift God up high over all people and we must worship Him.
As secondary theme is the consistency of His character. Not only is God worthy of all of our worship. Our God, the creator of all the universe, hears our prayers when we answer. He hears our prayers because we to have the ultimate High Priest, God’s only Son, interceding for us. Jesus hears our prayers. Jesus answers our prayers when we pray. Jesus is worthy of all our praise and worship.
Thank you, heavenly Father, for Your holy Word today. Thank you Father, for reminding us that You are holy, You are our King, and You are worthy of all of our worship. You alone, God, must be lifted up high. Thank You, Father, for Your Love. You love us so much that you sent Your only Son Jesus to be among us. We are reminded of this history-changing event every Christmas. Thank you Father for establishing Jesus as our ultimate High Priest who hears and answers all of our prayers. Thank You Father. We love You Father. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.