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2021年12 月2日 ディボーション

詩篇第四巻 92篇

“Giving Thanks and Praising God All of Our Waking Hours”









 天の父よ、今日はあなたの御言葉をありがとうございます。私たちがいつも感謝の心を持つべきであることを思い出させてくださり、ありがとうございます。感謝してあなたを礼拝することは、特定の機会だけに行われるものではないことを教えてくださり、ありがとうございます。主よ、あなたは私たちを愛することをやめません。だから私たも感謝と賛美をやめません。主よ、ありがとうございます。主よ、あなたの御名を讃えます。主よ、私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

“Giving Thanks and Praising God All of Our Waking Hours”

Psalm 92, even in its original Biblical Hebrew, has the description “A Song of the Sabbath” embedded as part of the Psalm. Although the author of this Psalm is really unknown, many associate Psalm 92 with Moses. One of the reasons for this is the use of similar language in the Psalms attributed to Moses, 90-92, and parts of Deuteronomy. One such example is the use of the “Under his wings” language in Psalm 91:4 and Deuteronomy 32:11. Regardless of who wrote this Psalm, the title itself reveals a lot. Because Psalm 92 is a song of the Sabbath, its lyrics reveal what we should be doing; that is, to be giving thanks to the Lord for all that He has done and continues to do for us.

Unlike many other Psalms, Psalm 92 begins with the main points: 1) It is good to give thanks to the Lord, 2) It is good to sing praises to God, 3) It is good to declare God’s steadfast love in the morning, and 4) It is good to declare God’s faithfulness at night. In fact, a famous English praise and worship song incorporates these words as its only lyrics. This song keeps on repeating: “It is good to praise the Lord. It is good to gaze upon His majesty. To proclaim His love in the morning and His faithfulness at night. Oh, it is good to worship and praise, the Lord.” Indeed, these Holy Spirit-inspired lyrics are not simply words of a song. These words are inspired by God, and they should be sung over and over again in our time of Sabbath as we worship, praise, and give thanks to our Lord Most High.

Just because this is a song of the Sabbath, it does not mean that we cannot sing this on all occasions. What is important, however, is that we set aside time for the purpose of giving thanks to God and singing praises to Him. When we worship together every Sunday, we often forget why we gather to sing. Some of us may even think that we are singing Christian karaoke. However, we do not sing for the purpose of singing. Our singing is an expression of our worship. The object of our worship in God. As for the psalmist, the way he suggests worship to be done is to give thanks and praise God from morning through night. In other words, the example that the Psalmist gives us involves having a thankful heart that praises God all of our waking hours.

Thank you, heavenly Father, for Your Word today. Thank you for the reminder that we should always have a thankful heart. Thank you for the reminder that giving thanks and worshiping you does not come on only certain occasions. Lord, you never stop loving and providing for us. We, in return, must never stop giving thanks and worshiping You. Thank You Lord. We praise Your Name Lord. We love you Lord. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.




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