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2021年11 月4日 ディボーション

詩篇第二巻 64篇 

“Father, Please Guard our Tongues”






 現代ではどうでしょうか? 聖書には、人々が不平を言いたがることが書かれています。今日、私たちはリーダーに対して不平を言いたいのです。ハワイでは、イゲ知事について多くの人が不平を言っています。アメリカではバイデン大統領について多くの人がつぶやいています。つい昨日も、トランプ大統領について多くの人が不満を漏らしていたようです。もっとローカルなところでは、教会の指導者に対する不満も聞かれます。

 このブログを読んでいる私たちの中にも、そのような罪を犯している人がいるかもしれません。不平を言っているうちに、私たちの多くは、自分の方がその人よりも知識や技術があると思い込んでしまいます。しかし、選挙で選ばれた議員よりも、自分の方が国家や国を運営できると、本当に信じているのでしょうか? 私たちの誰もが、神が私たちの上に置かれた人々よりも教会をうまく運営できると、本当に信じているのでしょうか?



 使徒ペテロはこう言っています。「人が立てたすべての制度に、主のゆえに従いなさい。それが主権者である王であっても、あるいは、悪を行う者を罰して善を行う者をほめるために、王から遣わされた総督であっても、従いなさい。善を行って、愚かな者たちの無知な発言を封じることは、神のみこころだからです。自由な者として、しかもその自由を悪の言い訳にせず、神のしもべとして従いなさい。すべての人を敬い、兄弟たちを愛し、神を恐れ、王を敬いなさい。」(1ペテロ2:13〜17 )。






 もし私たちがこのようなことを続けるなら、主よ、どうか私たちを憐れんでくださり、もっと謙虚で従順になれるように助けてください。あなたは、十字架上のイエスを通して、謙虚で従順であることの究極の模範を示してくださいました。ありがとうございます、父よ。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

“Father, Please Guard our Tongues”


Psalm 64, another psalm of David, begins with a prayer from David calling out to God. David is under vicious attack from evildoers who attack him not physically, but through their destructive words. Although David is innocent, evildoers attack David with tongues that are like swords and words that are like arrows (vv. 3 - 4). These evildoers believe that no one knows the source of their verbal attacks. God, however, knows everything. The psalmist declares that God will turn the evildoers attacks back against themselves. The result will be these evildoers bringing ruin to themselves by their own hands. Everyone who sees this will shake their heads. David’s response is to rejoice and take refuge in and praise the Lord. 


The problem that this Psalm addresses is verbal attacks by evildoers on the King, who is most likely David. How is significant today? We see in the Bible that people like to grumble. We like to grumble about our leaders today. In Hawaii, we hear a lot of people grumble about Governor Ige. All over the country, we hear people grumble about President Biden. It seems that just yesterday, many were grumbling about President Trump. More locally, we hear complaints about our church leadership. Some of us reading this blog is guilty of this. As we complain, many of us somehow come to the belief that we are more knowledgable and skilled than the person that we are complaining about. But do we really believe that we can operate a state or country better than our elected officials? Does any of us truly believe that we can run a church better than the people who God placed over us?


Psalm 64 teaches that the complaints that we make are like attacks from swords and arrows. As we complain, gossip, and spread baseless rumors about people in authority, we are attacking them. The Apostle Peter declares: “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:13-17 ESV).


We must honor Governor Ige, President Biden, and President Trump. We must honor pastor Seki, pastor Randy, and our church leadership. In doing so, we honor God by following His will.


Thank you Father, again, for teaching us through your Word. Thank you for teaching us to honor our all of people that you have allowed to be placed over us. It is Your will that we honor all of these people, not just the ones that we like. Thank You Lord for teaching us that we must not be complainers, gossipers, and source of senseless rumors. You Word teaches that You despise such people. Forgive us, Lord, for the criticism, complaints, and gossiping that we all did in our past. Please protect us from doing this in the future. If we continue to do this, Lord, please have mercy on us and help us to become more humble and obedient. You gave the ultimate example of what it is to be humble and obedient through Jesus on the cross. Thank you Father. We love you Father. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.




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