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2021年11 月11日 ディボーション

詩篇第二巻 71篇

“God’s Righteousness, His Alone”




 この短い詩篇の中で、ダビデは7回神を賛美し、5回「義」に言及しています。もう一つ特筆すべきことは、年老いたダビデが再び神の神名である "ヤハウェ "を使っていることです。ダビデも含めて、多くの詩篇では、主の名を無駄に使わないようにするために、神の名を使い過ぎることを避けていました。しかし、ダビデは「ヤハウェ」という神名を使っただけでなく、「エロヒム」「アドナイ」「イスラエルの唯一の方」(22節)なども使っています。合計すると、ダビデは15回も神の名前を使っています。聖書では、言葉がたくさん繰り返されるとき、それは強調や重要性を示します。ですから、詩篇71番の強調点は、神とその義、そして神に賛美を捧げることなのです。




 天の父よ、今日はあなたの御言葉をありがとうございます。どんな状況でも、あなたの真理と義に頼り、しっかりと立ち上がらなければならないことを教えてくださり、ありがとうございます。敵は、あなたの正義を歪めようと、多くの間違った正義の見方をしています。私たちの中には、これらの間違った考えを信じてしまう罪を犯している人がいます。もし私たちがこれらの間違った考えを信じる罪を犯しているなら、どうかあなたの聖霊が来て、主からのものでないものを清めてください。また、偽りの考えを、あなたの御言葉に啓示されているあなたの真実で置き換えてくださるようお願いします。私たちは、あなたの義によって救いを求めます、父よ。父よ、ありがとうございます。私たちはあなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Psalm 71


Although Psalm 71 does not state its author, it is believed to be a Psalm of David that may be a continuation from Psalm 70. In Psalm 71, the psalter (David) is now old man (vv. 1, 18). In his old age, David complains that he no longer has any strength (vv. 9). He is also under tremendous verbal attacks from enemies who are trying to hurt him (vv. 13). Because David is now old, out of strength, and believed to be forsake by God by some, David’s enemies are saying: “God has forsaken him; peruse and seize him, for there is none to deliver him” (vv. 11). David’s response, however, is to praise God and ask for a speedy deliverance through God’s righteousness (vv. 2). David’s enemies want to bring shame on him, but David asks God to bring shame to his accusers instead. David confidently proclaims that Yahweh, who has been his rock and fortress since before he was born, will bring justice and restore him again. Through faith, David praises God for his righteousness and future deliverance.


In this short Psalm, David praises God 7 times and mentions “righteousness” 5 times. Another fact worth mentioning is that David, in his old age, once again uses the divine name of God, “Yahweh.” In order to avoid using the Lord’s name in vain, many psalters, David included, avoided the overuse of the divine name. However, not only did David use the divine name “Yahweh,” he also used Elohim, Adonai, and “The Only One of Israel” (vv. 22). In total, David uses a name for God 15 times. In Scripture, when words are repeated a lot, it indicates emphasis and importance. Therefore, the emphasis on Psalm 71 is God, His righteousness, and giving praise to Him.


David suffered great anguish from a fierce bombardment of verbal attacks from his enemies. In fact, this was not the only Psalm that addresses verbal attacks. Although innocent, David’s enemies continued to attack him by scheming together to spread slanderous lies about him. David’s response was to pray to God for deliverance through His (God’s) righteousness. Christians are under constant attacks today from the enemy. The enemy attacks us by replacing God’s righteousness with their own false ideas of justice. Today, we find many of these false ideas in our schools, television, books, and internet. We hear our friends talk about these ideas. Sadly, we even find these destructive ideas in churches. Unfortunately, many Christians too fall victim to these falsehoods, that although may sound good, does not agree with God’s Word. Christians must continue to read God’s Word and rely on God’s truth and righteousness. When God’s Word does not agree with what the world teaches us, we must rely on God’s Word. When God’s Word does not agree with what we strongly believe in, it is we who must change our minds and believe God’s Word. In all these circumstances, we must rely on God’s truth and righteousness, revealed through His Word, and praise His name. 


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Your Word today. Thank you for teaching us that in all situations, we must rely and stand firm in Your truth and righteousness. The enemy works hard to distort Your righteousness with many false views of twisted justice. Some of us are guilty of believing some of these false ideas. If we are guilty of believing any of these false ideas, please let your Holy Spirit come and cleanse us of anything that is not from You Lord. We also ask for you to replace any false ideas with Your truth that is revealed in Your Word. We ask for deliverance through Your righteousness, Father. Thank you Father. We love you Father. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen. 





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