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詩篇第二巻 50篇

“We Belong to God”




 神様は誰に向かって言っているのでしょうか? 神様が話している悪しき人とは、私たち一人一人のことだと思います。私たちは、小さな嘘をついたり、言うべきことがあるのに黙っていたりします。キリストのからだの中で他のメンバーの噂話をすることもあります。目の前で不正が行われているのに、黙ってしまうこともあるでしょう。私たちは、毎週日曜日に教会に出席し、献金をしていますが、その中には、そのお金を手放したくない思いで献金をする人もいます。また、月末にお金が残っているときだけ、少額を神様にささげる人もいます。順調で、健康で、必要なものや欲しいものがすべて揃っているときには、それらすべてがどこから来たのかを、私たちは忘れてしまいます。

 では、私たちの罪とは何でしょうか? それは、神様を忘れてしまっていることです。詩篇50篇は、私たちがささげることのできるすべてのものは、すでに神のものであることを思い出させてくれます。使徒ヨハネはこう言いました。「すべてのものは、この方によって造られた。造られたもので、この方によらずにできたもの一つもなかった。」(ヨハネの福音書1章3節)。  神がすべてを創造したのですから、私たちが神にささげるものも全て、すでに神が所有しているものです。実際、私たち自身が神の所有です。私たちはキリストに属しています(1コリント3:23)。ペテロは宣言しました「しかし、あなたがたは選ばれた種族、王である祭司、聖なる国民、神のものとされた民です。それは、あなたがたを闇の中から、ご自分の驚くべき光の中に召してくださった方の栄誉を、あなたがたが告げ知らせるためです。」(1ペテロ2:9)。


天のお父様、このようなことを教えてくださってありがとうございます。私たちからあなたに差し出せるものは何もありません。なぜなら、私たちのすべては、すでにあなたのものだからです。私たちがあなたに差し出せるものは、感謝の気持ちだけです。  私たちの感謝を表すために、私たちはあなたに感謝をささげなければなりません。父よ、この人生に感謝します。この世界を感謝します。父よ、御子イエス・キリストをこの地上に遣わし、私たちを悪しきものから救ってくださったことを感謝します。父よ、救いと永遠の命をありがとうございます。父よ、あなたの大きな愛をありがとうございます。父よ、あなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

“We Belong to God”

Psalm 50 is the first Psalm believed to be attributed to Asaph. Asaph was one of the Levites who “. . . David put in charge of the service of song in the house of the Lord after the ark rested there” (1 Chronicles 6:31-39). The introduction of this Psalm describes many qualities of Yahweh as the judge of His people (vv. 1-6). In the next section, Yahweh calls on His people who made covenants with Him by offering sacrifices. Yahweh accuses them that everything that is offered to Him is already His. Yahweh declared that He will not accept any bull or goat because every beast, cattle, bird, and everything that moves is already His. Everything on the earth already belongs to Yahweh. What God wants is not an offering of something that He already owns. God wants is 1) a sacrifice of thanksgiving, 2) fulfillment of vows made to Him, and 3) for people to call on Him when they are in trouble. God promises that He will deliver his people if they do all this, and in the process glorify His name. In addition, God tells the wicked that they are in no position to recite His laws or make covenants with the same mouth that 1) hates discipline, 2) sees pleasure in thievery,3) associates with adulterers, 4) speak evil,5) speak deceit,6) gossips against his brother, and 7) slanders his brother. God expresses that He remained silent as these wicked people did their evil deeds, but will do so no longer. God charges these wicked people for the crime of forgetting about God. God repeats: “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God” (vv. 23).

 Who is God talking to? I believe the wicked people that he is talking to is each and everyone of us. Sometimes we tell little lies, or remain silent when we know we should be saying something. Sometimes we gossip about other members in the body of Christ. We see injustice happen before our very eyes and we remain silent. We attend church every Sunday, and give our offerings. Some of us do this with great reluctance, not wanting to part with so much money. Some of us give to God a small amount only if we have some money left over at the end of the month. When times are good, we are healthy, and have everything we need and want, we forget where everything came from. What are we guilty of? We are guilty of forgetting God. Psalm 50 reminds us that everything we can possibly offer God is already His. The Apostle John said: “All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any things made that was made” (John 1:3).  There is nothing that we can offer God that He doesn’t already own because He created everything. Indeed, we ourselves are His possession. We belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 3:23). Peter declared: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Let us always remember that we belong to Christ. Let us never forget God as we live through this wonderful gift of life. As we live, with thanksgiving, we give all glory to God.


 Thank you Father for this reminder. There is absolutely nothing that we can offer you because everything already belongs to you. All we have to offer your is our

thanksgiving.  As an expression of our gratitude, we must offer You thanksgiving, and this will glorify your Name. Thank you Father for this life. Thank you Father for this world. Thank you Father, for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to this earth to save us from our wickedness. Thank You Father for salvation and everlasting life. Thank you Father for your great Love! I Love You Father. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.





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