詩篇第二巻 43篇
「God’s Light and Truth」
詩篇42は、ダビデとソロモンの時代の礼拝指導者でコラの子たちであり、詩篇43もその同じ作者と考えてもよいでしょう。また、これまでの詩篇作者であるダビデとこの箇所が異なる一つの理由に、神の呼び方があります。ダビデは、神を直接 "ヤハウェ "と呼んでいますが、42篇と43篇の作者は、神を "エロヒム "と呼んでいるのです。また、ここでもう一つ注目すべきは、極度の嘆きと敵に圧迫されている状況が露わにされていることです(詩篇42:9)。このような特徴から、これらの詩篇はイスラエル人が追放された時代に書かれたと考える学者が多いようです。
ほとんどが嘆きの10節の後、作者は「神を待ち望め。私はなおも神をほめたたえる。私の救い 私の神を」(詩篇42:11)と宣言します。その後、詩篇43はスムーズに流れて、イスラエルの民を取り巻く不従順な人々からの救いを神に祈るのです。
また、作者は神に次のように求めています。「どうか あなたの光とまことを送り それらが私を導くようにしてください。あなたの聖なる山 あなたの住まいへと それらが私を連れて行きますように。」(詩篇43:3)。神の光と真理に導かれて、作者は「この上ない喜び」をもって神の祭壇に行き、神を賛美することを明らかにしています。そして、この詩篇は、冒頭と同じ言葉でしめ括られます。「神を待ち望め。私はなおも神をほめたたえる。私の救い 私の神を。」(詩篇43:5)。
父よ、あなたの恵みによって、御子イエス·キリストを通してのみ、私たち全員に救いを与えられていますことを感謝します。父よ、感謝します。あなたを愛しています。In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
God’s Light and Truth
Unlike most other psalms, Psalm 43 does not attribute its authoring to any particular writer. However, upon closer look, Psalm 43 seems most likely to be a continuation of Psalm 42. Many scholars also believe that this is indeed the case. In fact, some old scrolls combined Psalm 42 and Psalm 43. Because Psalm 42 is attributed to the Sons of Korah, a worship leader in the days of David and Solomon, it would be safe to assume that Psalm 43 can also attribute its authorship to them. Another clue that David is no longer the author of this Psalm is in the way that God is addressed. David, who was considered the friend of God, addressed God directly as “Yahweh.” The author of Psalms 42 and 43, however, now refer to God as “Elohim.” Another thing worth noting is the extreme lament, and a situation where the Psalter is being oppressed by an enemy (Psalm 42:9). Because of these features, many scholars believe that these are Psalms were written when the Israelites were in exile.
After ten verses of mostly lamentation, the writer declares “Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God” (Psalm 42,11). Psalm 43 flows smoothly after this verse praying to God for salvation from the ungodly people in which Israel is surrounded by. The author also asks God to: “Send out your light and truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to our dwelling” (Psalm 43:3). Guided by God’s light and truth, the author reveals that he will go the the alter of God with “exceeding joy” and praise God. This psalm closes with the same words that it begins: “Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God” (Psalm 43: 5).
The exiled Israelites, at the threat of death, were being forced to worship a golden statue of Nebuchadnezzar but refused to do so (Daniel 3). Similarly, people of Japan were somewhat forced to revere their emperor as a deity prior to World War II. Also in Japans past, may early Christians were forced to step on images of Jesus or face death. America today has become very complicated. Many people in America have already forgotten God and placed their faith in everything else whether it is their secular schools, news, governments, or other unproven sciences. We too must never forget to place our hope in God, praise His Name, remember that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. More than ever, the people of God must pray for God’s leading by seeking His light and truth, not the ways of the world. The world, as we all know, preaches to us everyday what it considers to be its “truth.” Almost always, however, what the world considers to be true is not God’s truth. As the author of Psalm 42,43 reveals, real truth can only be found in God’s Word. Salvation, is only through Christ Jesus.
Thank you Father, once again, for your Word today. You Lord, teach us that the best response, even in times of trouble, is to praise and worship you. You also reminded us that it is only Your truth and Your light that can lead us all into your presence. Thank you Father, for salvation, that You made available to all of us, by Your grace, only through your son Jesus Christ. Thank you Father. We love you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen